K.C. Perrin

Please, stop reading

You’re still here…

What is it you were hoping to find by staying?

I told you there is no story. Definitely not a sexy story. Just me, at my desk, writing these words you are reading. I’m not even dressed right for an erotic story, just a baggy sweater and some jeans, and my hair is a mess too.

The window is open, I can hear the birds outside and the sunlight is brightening up my room. It definitely doesn’t offer the shaded, sensual mood required for the kind of story you want me to tell.

Sure, I could close the curtains and dim the lights, but that doesn’t mean anything will happen. Even if I set the right mood, there won’t suddenly be a story. It will still be just me, in my room, all alone, with no story to tell.

So, you know, if you were hoping for something more interesting, it’s probably best if you just leave.

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