K.C. Perrin

Please, stop reading

You didn’t leave.

Are you perhaps not here for a story then?

What else could you be here for? You can’t be here for me, can you? You can’t even see me. This isn’t a video, it’s just a story. I mean not a story, just words for you to read that have no plot or meaning.

I guess I could pretend there is a story, if that’s what you want. I mean, that’s what you are doing by staying here, isn’t it? Pretending?

I could dim the lighting and put something sexy on.

Would you like that?

Just remember, this isn’t a video, there are no pictures. You won’t even see anything. I don’t know why you would be so interested in this.

No, that wouldn’t make any sense. Why would I dress up while I don’t even have a story to tell? Why would I set the mood for, for nothing?

Please, just leave, okay? I promise you’re not missing out on anything.

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