So I got into an accident with my bicycle.

drawing of a bicycle

Last week, I was on my way to work on my bike, like every day. Until suddenly a little boy ran from behind a car just two metres in front of me.

All I could do was pull on my breaks and I managed to narrowly avoid hitting him. But as a result I was catapulted across my handlebars and slammed into the street.

I broke both my elbows and had to have surgery on one of them.

So there will probably be no new stories for a while.

12 responses to “So I got into an accident with my bicycle.”

  1. Margaret Goodwin says:

    So sorry to know of your bicycle ? accident. I hope that your recovery is quick for your sake. Take care of you ok ?

  2. Margaret Goodwin says:

    If you are pulling my leg then you deserve a very through spanking.


  3. pierrepoint1 says:

    Drat! I thought this was going to be an interesting story!

    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. K.C. Perrin says:

    Well, the surgery went perfectly okay, I’m still in some pain occasionally and can’t exert strength with either of my arms, nor lift heavy objects, but I can move them quite well.

    I did start working again today (luckily all I need is a mouse and keyboard for that); so hopefully I’ll have some time for new stories soon.

    • Bruce says:

      I enjoy your stories and sorry to hear of your accident. Two words….Dragon software…you won’t even need to type. Nice art of you on the bike. BTW

      • K.C. Perrin says:

        I don’t think I’d look that pretty wearing a skirt 😛

        Thanks for the idea, though I’d feel a bit weird speaking my stories out loud wondering who might be listening, lol.

  5. Marg Goodwin says:

    Well in that case you do deserve to be thoroughly spanked until you are begging and pleading for mercy young man……. 😉 🙂 😛

  6. redendmaker says:

    I’ve always enjoy and frequently find that I read out loud to myself; whether it’s a print book, Kindle or a website. If my wife hears me, I just say that I’m talking or singing to myself. If we’re not watching TV, the radio is always on by my computer. She ‘knows’ my interests and proclivities so she just says ‘okay dear’. Remember ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. I see you have a new post…keep up the good work.

  7. Lucy says:

    Sorry to hear of your accident. I hope you mend quickly 😉

    • K.C. Perrin says:

      Thank you, I’d say I’m 98% better right now, still sometimes get a pain-twinge in my elbows and they can feel numb after a tiring day; but I can once again do all day-to-day things 🙂

  8. Matte Blk says:

    Your bike wreck was a warning from Almighty God: if you dont START living for Jesus and STOP
    living for the world… whoops. Just be like me, dear: see this as only a temporary dwelling place. Our Home is in Seventh-Heaven… or the realm you DO NOT wanna be in, both of which for eternity.

    Our blogOramma tellsya how. And, yes, I myself wanna love you: soft, slow, smooth for 1,000+ years. Wont that be fun? I dont want anything NTHN but to give unto thee the most instrumental, apocalyptic, total CUNNING CUNiLINGUS in the universe, dear, for yearsNyears. Nthn4me. Exactly my pleasure in seeing YOU get overflow underly.

    God bless you.
    Love you.
    Cya soon Upstairs…

    • kcperrin says:

      At first I thought you were going to blame my fall on my BDSM/kink-fantasies … now I don’t know what you’re saying, lol …

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