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BDSM Team building event

three women in lingerie

The large open office area was entirely empty when Samantha arrived. No-one had been here all day probably, it was a national holiday, nobody would be working. All the desks were empty, the screens turned off, chairs pushed under their desks. It was eerily quiet, yet this was not what made Samantha so nervous.
She’d been here before, in this quiet, empty office. Usually after hours, when everyone had returned home. Samantha had regularly stayed behind, summoned by her boss to see him in his office after work. It was him that made her nervous. He was in his private office, waiting for her. But she was early, and arriving early was just as frowned upon as arriving late, so she nervously waited for the time to come, the time when she’d knock on his door and be called to enter.
Samantha wasn’t nervous because she was afraid of her boss, or afraid of what would happen after she was called into his office. She was never scared, not when he scolded her for being late, spanked her for her lazy work-ethic or reprimanded her for inappropriate behavior. She loved it when he punished her, put her across his knee, bared her bottom, bent her over his desk, paddled her behind…
She was just nervous because… well, how could you not be nervous, knowing you’d soon be squealing and moaning, your bottom on fire whilst your boss told you what a naughty girl you’d been?
It hadn’t always been this way of course. When she just started working here, her boss had just been Jonathan, like most everyone else called him. Nowadays she only addressed him as Sir and hoped her colleagues didn’t catch on. It had been during a company outing that Samantha’s deeply rooted fantasy of being disciplined and dominated had been discovered, and matched by Jonathan’s desire to control and punish the beautiful young woman that worked for him. A fair bit of alcohol had been to blame for that secret to come to light, but the following day, when their heads were once again clear, those drunken ramblings had not been forgotten and Samantha had received her first spanking from her boss’ hand.
That had been two years ago now and Samantha had grown accustomed to her boss’ authority. She looked forward to his discipline. It had never grown into something more intimate however, though neither of them made a secret of their arousal and excitement during those events. The fact that her discipline retained a veneer of professionalism, was what turned her on the most.


In the elevator up to the second floor, Alex once again reread the email on her phone. It was a short message, but with clear and exciting significance. It read:


Last week during our mandatory company team-building activity, it came to my attention that you were not present for the event.
Since you did not provide any reasonable excuse, nor any advance notice, I can only conclude that this was an unauthorized absence.

In my previous mail, announcing this event several weeks prior, I warned that there would be serious consequences for those that would decide not to attend.
I therefore demand your presence this Friday at my office, one-o-clock sharp.


Reading this made Alex’ heart race, her skin tingle, and butterflies churning her stomach. There was no further explanation of why she was summoned, or what the consequences were for not attending the initial event. But Alex knew exactly what to expect: A trip across her boss’ knee, a sore red bottom, squealing, moaning, kicking her legs until she begged for mercy.
The elevator doors suddenly opened and she jumped in surprise, lost in her fantasies.
Excitedly Alex made her way to the company’s large open office. She’d missed the large team-building event on purpose of course. In his initial mail, announcing the event, Jonathan had said he’d be deeply disappointed in anyone who did not attend. Deeply disappointed was one of his favorite phrases whenever he scolded her in his office, though he usually said it with a sarcastic smile, right before baring her backside and showing he wasn’t disappointed at all with the opportunity to spank her. It was almost like a hidden message meant just for her.
When she stepped through the office doors, looking at her watch to make sure she wasn’t too early, Alex was suddenly surprised to see Samantha standing outside their boss’ office.
The other woman blushed as she saw her enter and Alex could feel the same heat rising on her cheeks. “Oh, hi Samantha,” she greeted her.
“Hi…” Samantha replied, “You’re not working today, are you?”
Alex shook her head, “No, I…” What could she tell her? Alex looked the other woman up and down, noticing her stance, feet together, arms nervously held out in front, slight pink blush on her cheeks… “Did you miss the team-building event too?” she asked.
Samantha’s blush deepened significantly, “I…”
“You got that mail too, huh?” Alex asked, suddenly charmed by Samantha’s shyness, “Do you think we’re in trouble?”
The other woman shook her head. “What do you mean?” she asked.
Alex giggled softly, “Come on… I know the boss is sometimes extra strict with you.”
Samantha looked stricken. “How do you know?” she asked.
“I didn’t really,” Alex replied, “But I’d always had my suspicions… How you always address him as Sir, how you reach back to protect your bottom when he raises his voice, how sometimes at your desk, you’re squirming in your seat after you’ve had an early-morning meeting.”
The other woman’s face was beet-red, her mouth slightly agape as she struggled to answer.
“Don’t worry,” Alex continued, “I don’t think anyone else would notice… unless of course they received the same kind of treatment.”
Samantha took a deep breath, surprised, and then slowly regaining her composure. ‘Like you?” She asked.
Alex nodded, for some reason she didn’t feel as embarrassed as Samantha did, but perhaps that was just because she’d figured it out first. “I can recognize a woman hiding a sore, burning backside, because I’ve been there myself, squirming in my seat.”
Samantha suddenly giggled, letting out the last tendrils of nervousness. “It does help getting your work done though.”
Alex grinned, “One of its many advantages…”
“How long have you been… You know?” Samantha asked, her shyness completely taken over by curiosity.
“Getting disciplined by our boss?” Alex finished her sentence, “One year next month. You?”
“About two years now,” Samantha replied.
Alex raised an eyebrow, “Two years? … Well I guess you’ve been working here a lot longer than I have…”
“How did it start?” the other woman asked.
Alex grinned, “I ehm… Let’s just say I enjoy some quite erotic literature in my free time and when trying to save a list of interesting titles for myself, I mixed up my private email-address with that of our boss.”
Samantha laughed, “That must’ve been quite an interesting conversation.”
Alex grinned, “It didn’t turn out as difficult as I had feared it would be, but now I know I have you to thank for that. It seems that thanks to you Jonathan already had quite a bit of experience dealing with naughty young employees and their inappropriate fantasies.”
Samantha grinned, “You’re welcome, I guess.”
Alex smiled, “So how did it start for you?”
Samantha raised her shoulders, “A bit too much alcohol at a company event…”
Alex laughed, “Yeah, that could work too…”


Less than a minute before one, perfectly on time, Olivia stepped through the door into the company’s large shared office space. She looked up in surprise, seeing Alex and Samatha standing outside their boss’ office. She hadn’t expected anyone else to be here … But then again, if anyone it would’ve been these two.
The two women looked even more surprised at her arrival than she’d been at their presence. Yet there was no time for a quick chat. Their boss would not put up with tardiness, definitely not on a day like this. Olivia quickly joined the two women and stepped past them to knock on the door to their boss’ private office.
“Come in!” was called.
Olivia led the way, pulling open the door and stepping into the office, the two other women following behind her.
Their boss was seated in his large leather sofa, hair slicked back, pristine suit, legs crossed, expensive watch on his wrist. Olivia could feel the excitement growing inside of her, her mouth going dry as she noticed the stern look on his face. She remembered the first time he’d sat right there on that couch, while she dangled across his knee, bottom bared, squealing and kicking her legs as he peppered her bare bottom with his large, strong hands.
“Aha, I see everyone is here,” Jonathan greeted them, “I’m glad you all decided to come this time.”
The three women blushed.
“I assume you all know why you’re here?” their boss asked.
Olivia looked left and then right at the two women flanking her. They both looked just as flustered as she felt.
“Well?” Jonathan asked.
Olivia swallowed and looked at her colleagues again. By all means they’d have seniority over her, she’d only been working at the company for a few months, but neither of them seemed able to speak. “Because we missed the company event last week, Sir,” she replied.
“Missed, or skipped on purpose…” their boss replied, “Though I’ll keep that in the middle, the consequences are the same after all.”
He stood up out of his seat, crossing his arms in front of him. “Normally I’d deal with this in private,” he said, “But since this was a team-building activity you missed, I thought it would be prudent to turn this into a bit of a team-building activity as well.”
Olivia’s blush deepened, looking again at the two women beside her. Yet her excitement only grew, imagining that this wouldn’t be a one-on-one session with her boss.
“Does any one of you have a problem with that?” their boss asked.
Olivia shook her head. “No, sir,” she replied.
The other’s responses came just as quickly and confidently. They seemed just as excited as she was. The thought made her smile, she wouldn’t want anyone to be forced into this, but she was pretty sure Jonathan wouldn’t allow for that to happen anyway.
“Good, because I’ve prepared a special team-building exercise for you three naughty young women today,” their boss continued, “I first need to make a quick phone-call. In the meantime, you three can wait here and introduce yourselves to one-another if you don’t know each-other very well yet… Because I can assure you, that a couple of hours from now you’ll know each-other quite intimately.”


Samantha’s knees felt weak, her head was spinning, no thoughts could take root in her mind as it was always quickly pushed aside by the next. Blushing, nervous, excited, she watched her boss leave, wondering what he had in store for her… for her and the other two women beside her.
“Eh, so… hi,” Olivia said.
Samantha shook her head, turning away from the door through which their boss had just left. “Hi,” she replied weakly.
She looked in surprise at the third woman who had joined her and Alex at the very last minute. Olivia was new at the company, their very last recruit, she’d only been working here for two months. She couldn’t imagine how she’d gotten to know this side of their boss in such a short time… And even then, she was Olivia: always on time, always proper, a hard worker, made no mistakes… She couldn’t think of any reason why she’d be called into their boss’ office like her or Alex…
“You know, you two were at the top of my list when Jonathan told me he had two other employees that needed some regular discipline,” Olivia said with a grin.
Samantha felt her face grow red and saw Alex immediately color up as well. “He told you that?” she asked incredulously.
“Well, he didn’t give me any names of course,” Olivia replied, “And it wasn’t until I started working here that I started figuring out who it might be.”
Curiosity took the upper-hand again and Samantha could feel her indignation diminish. “You knew before you started working here?” she asked.
Olivia nodded, “Yeah, it’s one of the reasons I wanted to work here. It’s always been a fantasy of mine to have a strict boss and Jonathan and I have been friends for a while, I knew I could trust him.”
Samantha shook her head in disbelief. At least it explained how a new hire would get caught up in this.
“You know, I kinda figured Samantha out myself as well,” Alex suddenly said, “But you, I’d never have guessed.”
Olivia giggled, “Well, I haven’t really had time to get in trouble yet. I wanted to make a good impression in my first few weeks at the company…”
Alex grinned, “So he hasn’t had to spank you yet?” she asked.
Olivia shrugged, “Not as my boss… We’ve been friends a long time before that though… Unless you count that spanking during my job interview. Technically he wasn’t yet my boss back then though, and he told me it only served as some kind of preliminary showing.”
Samantha laughed, “Sure, it’s important during a job interview to ask about all the perks that come with the job.”
The three women giggled.
“I see you’re all excited about today’s team-building activities,” Jonathan’s voice loudly claimed over their laughter. He’d just returned, holding open the door of his office. “Time to go. I have a special location reserved for today’s activities”
Samantha’s eyes raised in surprise. They weren’t doing this in his office? Where were they going? Curiously, she was the first one out of the room, eager to find out what their boss had in store for them. As she passed him on the way out, she felt the sharp slap of his hand connecting with her bottom. She jumped up in surprise, turning around just in time to see Alex jump as well. Olivia followed last, you could see the excitement on her face, having seen the two women in front of her, knowing what was about to happen. The excited smile turned into a gasping ‘oh’ as a loud smack landed across her backside.
Jonathan closed the door to his office and led the three women, bottoms tingling, outside to his car.


Alex sat in the back of her boss’ car, wedged in the middle between Samantha and Olivia. None of the three women had wanted to take the passenger’s seat, but now with her boss driving in silence, she truly felt like they were a bunch of naughty girls being transported home for their punishment.
“Where do you think we’re going?” she asked.
“No idea,” Samantha replied. They were whispering, as if they weren’t sure they were allowed to talk.
“Do you know, Olivia?” Alex asked, “You know him outside of work after all…”
Olivia shook her head, “No idea.”
The three women sat in near silence, looking out the windows as increasingly exciting yet intimidating possibilities presented themselves in their minds, they whispered them to each-other. Alex had heard about certain hotels that had themed rooms with things such as spanking furniture, a cross, a bed with ropes already provided to tie you down…
“Perhaps he has a playroom of his own, in his house…” Samantha offered, “With shelves full of spanking implements and padded walls so the neighbors can’t hear you scream.”
“Or in his basement…” Alex added.
The three women shivered.
“I’ve been to his house,” Olivia whispered, “I think I’d know if he had such a room.”
Alex licked her lips, “Then where do you think we’re going?”
Olivia shrugged, “I don’t know, perhaps it’s nothing like that at all. What if he’s taking us out of town, to some remote, hiking trail in the woods…”
Samantha leaned in closer. The three women had their heads close together, as if their boss wouldn’t be able to hear what they were whispering. “He might make us cut a branch off a tree and fashion our own switch to spank us with. That would be like a team-building activity, wouldn’t it?”
“He could bend us over some fallen tree-stump, side by side, testing our self-cut switches on our behinds, to see which one of us made the best one…” Alex added.
“Or he might take us to the lake,” Olivia offered, “I’ve always thought some of the driftwood you find there could be fashioned into some interesting make-shift paddles.”
Samantha giggled, “I’m not sure I’d be very good at whittling a paddle from driftwood, but I wouldn’t mind a nice dip in the cold lake to cool down my bottom after he’s tested it on my behind.”
Olivia grinned, “He’d probably make us strip naked first too…”
Alex blushed, like Samantha, her relationship with her boss had never been more intimate than a bare bottom spanking could entail and while this meant she’d been more than half-naked in front of him before, the idea of stripping fully naked out on the beach was exciting, yet scary.
While the three women whispered however, it was obvious that none of these intense guesses or fantasies frightened them, yet they all excited them, some more than others…


When their boss finally pulled up on the driveway of a large mansion just out of town, it seemed that all of their guesses had been wrong.
“Is this it?” Samantha asked Olivia, who was looking out through the window. “Is this where he lives?”
Olivia shook her head, “No, I’ve never been here before.”
Jonathan turned off the engine and got out of the car, while Olivia and the two other women nervously waited in the back. “Time to come out,” their boss said as he opened the door for them.
As she got out, Olivia noticed a woman standing by the front door of the mansion, waiting for them. She was sure she didn’t recognize her, she wasn’t any of Jonathan and her shared friends.
“Do you know who that is?” she asked the other two as they got out of the car.
They both shook their heads.
Jonathan in the meantime had grabbed a large duffel bag out of the trunk of his car and closed it with a loud thunk. The three women jumped in surprise. “Let’s go,” he said.
Nervously Olivia followed the two other women, while Jonathan walked in front. She knew their boss on a more personal level, and yet she felt the most nervous, this was a company outing after all and the others had been working here for much longer than her.
“Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to Erica,” Jonathan said as they walked up to the front of the building where that unknown woman was waiting for them. “Erica has graciously offered to help us out with our various activities today.”
Olivia looked in surprise at the woman in front of them. She was tall, especially with her high heels. Long black hair, dark eyes, bright red lips. Only her long brown coat did not really fit her impeccable image. Another participant? Olivia thought. Perhaps some activities needed teams, two vs two… Had she offered to put her butt on the line to participate in whatever their boss had planned for them? No… She could see from the look in her eyes that this woman wasn’t going to let anyone whip her backside. She could feel Erica look her up and down. Definitely not, she would be the one wielding the whip.
“Is everyone okay with that?” Jonathan asked, once again confirming their consent.
“Yes, Sir,” Olivia replied.
“Yes, Sir,” the other two mimicked her. She could see Samantha biting her lower lip, she was obviously turned on by the idea of being dominated by this beautiful, compelling woman. Olivia blushed, feeling her own gnawing arousal in her lower belly.
“Let’s get inside then,” the woman said, “We can do the rest of the introductions once we’re comfortable.” She had a beautiful, melodious voice. Yet at the same time it was demanding, she hadn’t made a request. Obediently the three women followed her inside.
Their boss came in last, closing the door behind them, a loud thump locking them in.


Samantha silently followed the woman inside. What was happening? What had Jonathan planned for them? Who was this woman, was she what she thought she was?
Erica led them into a large sitting area. “Please, sit,” she told them, a gentle request that felt like a command.
A large, red chesterfield sofa stood against one side of the room. Two more, smaller arm-chairs stood on opposite sides. Without thinking Samantha sat down in the larger one, Alex and Olivia sliding in beside her. Jonathan took a chair for himself, leaving the last one for Erica.
“My dear friend Jonathan told me that you three, naughty young women did not wish to participate in your company’s team-building activities. Is that true?” Erica asked.
Samantha blushed, nodding her head. She could see from the corner of her eyes the others doing so as well.
“But you’re here today to make up for it,” Erica continued, “Jonathan and I have come up with a couple of very fun activities that I’m sure you’ll love, so… Tell me a bit about yourself, what’s your name?”
Samantha licked her lips, she could feel the woman’s eyes burning into her, as if she was being picked out. “I’m Samantha,” she replied.
“Why didn’t you want to go to the team-building event, Samantha?” Erica asked.
Samantha blushed, she looked at her boss from the corner of her eyes, but he was just grinning, happy to let Erica do the talking for now. “I had a feeling that there would be more interesting activities in the future… If I skipped this one,” she replied.
A beautiful smile crept on Erica’s face. “Very honest, I like it,” she replied. “By more interesting activities you mean a good, firm spanking, I assume?”
Samantha’s blush deepened, “Yes…”
Erica’s attention seemed to shift to Olivia who was sitting beside her, “And you?” she asked.
“My name’s Olivia,” she replied.
Samantha took a deep breath, now that the attention was no longer on her.
“And why didn’t you attend the event, Olivia?” Erica asked.
There was a short pause. “Same reason as Samantha really,” she eventually replied.
Erica smiled, “Very good, that makes me feel confident that you’ll enjoy today’s activities.”
Her attention then focussed on Alex, “And finally you, what’s your name and why didn’t you attend the event?”
Alex blushed slightly, licking her lips before she responded. “Alex, and I also was hoping for a good firm spanking instead.”
Erica laughed delightedly, a very melodious sound, “Oh, and you’re going to get one, trust me.” She focussed her attention on their boss. “Jonathan, you told me these were a trio of very naughty women, but it seems to me they are very honest and well-behaved.”
Jonathan smiled, “Oh they can be very accommodating when they want something, or when they know they’re in trouble…”
Erica focussed back on the three women who simultaneously blushed, “I see… Of course, honesty is all well and good, but that doesn’t redeem the fact that you skipped out on a mandatory exercise young ladies. Luckily, your boss and I have picked out some very fun games that will provide the punishment you deserve and at the same time serve as the team-building exercises you missed out on.”
She got up out of her chair, looking down at the nervous, yet exciting women. “But first let me get us all a drink, you three in particular look like you’re thirsty.”
Samantha caught herself licking her lips. She was right, her mouth felt particularly dry…


Alex didn’t know where to look as they waited for Erica to return. Part of her wanted to look straight ahead, to not garner any more attention, but her curiosity wanted her to look around, to inspect the richly decorated room, to look at the paintings on the wall…
Luckily it wasn’t long before their host returned. She carried a plate with empty glasses and a clear pitcher of water. Alex had expected some type of alcohol at first, but she was actually happy she wasn’t supposed to get drunk for these planned activities. She emptied her glass in one big gulp, and graciously accepted when Erica offered to fill up her glass again.
“Now, Jonathan, would you please explain today’s activities?” Erica asked after she sat back down.
Alex and the other girls turned around to look at their boss.
“As punishment for not attending the event, all three of you will receive a spanking,” their boss began, “Which should come to no surprise. Before we get to that however, we will be playing five team-building activities. The worse you do at these activities, the more severe your punishment will be. If you do well at them however, your spanking might not be all that bad…” he grinned, pausing for a moment, “The activities will be scored with points, the fewer points you have, the more lenient your eventual punishment shall be. You will of course be competing against each-other for the lowest amount of points.”
Alex blushed, it was a competition? She looked at the women sitting beside her… That would make things quite interesting… “What kind of activities, Sir?” she asked.
Jonathan grinned, “Well I don’t want to spoil all the fun, but what I can tell you is that they are very common team-building activities you would expect at any company outing … except, Erica and I added our own, naughty little twist to them.”
Alex licked her lips, she wondered how you could make those standard, boring activities any fun, but mostly she was curious to what they were. She’d always been quite competitive, and if it meant she might save her bottom from the worst of it, she’d have to go all out today.
“If you girls feel you are ready for the first activity, then I think it’s time to begin,” Erica suddenly said.
“I’m ready,” Alex eagerly replied. The other two women chimed in as well, though sounding slightly more nervous.
“Alright Jonathan, if you could get the ropes ready, I will go prepare myself.” Erica continued.
Ropes? Alex wondered, as their boss pulled his duffel bag from between his feet. She couldn’t quite see inside of it, as he pulled out several coiled-up lengths of rope, one after the other. It built up to a large collection of eight or nine sets of rope before he closed the bag once more.
Erica in the meantime had disappeared from the room and while they waited for her to return, Jonathan got up from his seat and dragged a high-backed chair away from the table at the other side of the room. He dragged it to the middle of the sitting area and placed it right in the center.
Alex couldn’t help but think it was in such a prominent spot so that it could serve as a stage for any of them three to be put over someone’s knee and spanked in front of the others. But then what would the ropes be for?
Thoughts about the chair were quickly forgotten however, when Erica returned. Her long brown coat was gone and all she was wearing now was a very tight black leather corset, her large breasts were trying to escape from their small leather cups and looked too heavy for the narrow straps hanging from her shoulders. The leather outfit rode high on her hips, leaving them completely bared as it dove narrowly between her soft plump thighs. A short spin as she showed off her outfit to the three breathless women revealed that her bottom was indeed completely bared, round and firm. Narrow leather straps held up the fishnet stockings that ran from halfway her thighs down to her high heels. She wore smooth leather gloves up past her elbows and a tight black choker around her neck finished the ensemble.
“I knew it,” she heard Samantha whisper.
There was no way she’d put all of this on in such a short time, she must’ve been wearing it under her coat this whole time. Alex had never really thought about playing with, or submitting to a dominatrix. She always thought those outfits were over the top, too much… But now that she stood face to face with one, her breath was stuck in her throat.


Olivia took a deep breath.
She’d been to a BDSM event or two, accompanied by Jonathan even. She’d seen a few dommes, but this, this was something else…
Screw the team building activities, she thought, just let Erica have her way with me…
She blushed at the thought, shaking her head to clear her mind.
“It seems like everyone is ready,” Erica said. She looked stern, no longer smiling like she’d had during their earlier conversation. But still you could see that their stunned silence pleased her.
Only now, as she raised it up, did Olivia see that she was holding a long, thin riding crop in her right hand. “Time for the first activity,” she said, smacking the riding crop in the palm of her hand.
“We call this one The Bonding Exercise,” their boss said with a grin. He was facing the three of them, but it was obvious he too had trouble keeping his eyes off Erica. “It’s a two versus one game, but each of you takes turns being the one. The other two will have a short amount of time to use these ropes to tie you up. You will then have ten minutes to free yourself. The faster you escape, the lower your score…”
Olivia blushed, they had to tie each-other up?
“Who wants to go first?” Erica asked.
The three women looked at each-other, none of them speaking up. “I guess I’ll go first,” Olivia said.
“Great, please take a seat,” Jonathan said, “Samantha and Alex, when I say go, you have to tie Olivia up as best you can. You can use any of these ropes. Erica and I will keep watch to make sure you don’t do anything dangerous.”
The other two nodded, already stepping forward to inspect the different sets of rope on the floor. Olivia in the meantime made her way to the chair, nervously approaching Erica before she sat down.
“Don’t worry,” the dominant woman whispered in her ear, “If you want to stop, or if you feel like you’re having a panic attack, just call my name and I’ll come and free you. I have scissors ready.”
Olivia felt an immediate calm, she understood the concept of a safe-word and while it was weird using her name for that, it did make her feel safe.
“Everyone ready?” their boss asked.
Olivia looked at the two women in front of her, she nodded.
“Ready,” Samantha and Alex replied.
“You have two and a half minutes,” Jonathan announced, “Start!”
Her two colleagues grabbed the ropes and immediately set to work. Olivia blushed as they wrapped it tightly across her torso, tying her against the chair. They quickly tried tying her hands behind her back and finally finished by tying her ankles together before their boss called “Time’s up!”
Time had gone by much faster than Olivia had anticipated, but she felt quite secure, firmly attached to her chair.
“Everything all right?” Erica asked.
Olivia nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Alright, you have ten minutes to try and free yourself,” her boss said, “Time starts now.”
Olivia blushed, she felt like she couldn’t move at all, but she had to try. She could move her legs a bit, push up and almost lift the chair and herself even, but that didn’t really help. She had to get her arms loose first. Breathing heavily, she looked at the two women in front of her, they were grinning broadly, but she wasn’t going to let them win. She calmed herself and focussed on the rope around her wrists: pulling, pushing, she fidgeted until she got one arm free. After that it was only a matter of undoing the knots around her legs and finally around her torso. Triumphantly she stood up after freeing herself from her bonds.
The three women cheered and even hugged her in celebration.
“Very well done,” their boss said, “Seven minutes and twenty five seconds. That rounds down to seven points this round.” He’d been keeping time on his watch.
“Who’s next?” Erica asked.
Alex volunteered and Olivia quickly moved to stand next to Samantha. “You do her arms behind her back,” she said, “I’ll do her legs.” She felt like the two women had lost a lot of time getting in each-other’s way, and to win they’d have to work better together.
Samantha nodded.
“Are you ready?” Jonathan asked, after Erica gave the same speech to Alex as she’d given to her. “This time you’ll only have two minutes to tie her up.”
Olivia gasped, “only two?”
“It wouldn’t be fair otherwise since you have the added advantage of experience, by not going first,” their boss explained, “Your time starts now.”
Olivia grabbed a length of rope and quickly kneeled down at Alex’ feet while Samantha went behind her to tie up her arms. She remembered how they’d tied her legs together and how it had left her free to move most of her lower body, making it easy to reach and free herself. She firmly grabbed the woman’s ankles and pulled them apart, spreading her legs. She heard the shocked and surprised gasp of Alex, but ignored it, there wasn’t much time. She tied each of her legs separately to a chair-leg so that she would be unable to move them and she’d have to somehow bend over before being able to free herself. Which would be difficult, because Samantha was already wrapping the rope around her upper torso that would tie her to the back of the chair.
“Time!” Jonathan called.
Olivia looked satisfied at her work. Alex looked truly secure and with her legs spread wide and several lengths of rope tied firmly underneath her breasts, quite provocative as well…
“Everything alright?” Erica asked.
Alex nodded and Jonathan put his finger on his watch, “Alright, your ten minutes start… now.”
Olivia looked on in excitement. At first Alex didn’t seem able to move at all. She might not be able to escape before her ten minutes were over. The clock was ticking. But then, eventually, there was movement in her arms, she was pulling loose. Olivia desperately wanted to see how much time had passed on her boss’ watch, they must be close now. Alex was losing precious time unwrapping the rope around her body before she’d be able to bend over and free her legs one by one. Time kept ticking, but finally, Alex freed herself and jumped up.
Again the three of them hugged and laughed. You couldn’t really tell this was a competition with a spanking on the line, the way they were happy for each-other’s success.
“Nine minutes and twelve seconds,” their boss said, “that’s nine points for Alex.”
Olivia grinned, nine points and she only had seven, that meant she was already winning by two.
“How are we going to do this?” Alex asked, she’d quickly moved up beside her as Samantha went to take her turn on the chair, realizing as well that they’d have to work together. They’d probably get even less time now, so they’d have to be fast.
“You do her legs,” Olivia said, “I’ll do her arms, I have an idea…”
Alex nodded, “I’ll do them like you did mine, that was quite… effective.”
“Everyone ready?” Jonathan asked, “This time you’ll only have one and a half minutes.”
The three women nodded.
“And start!”
Olivia grabbed the rope and quickly kneeled behind the chair. The only way this wouldn’t work, she thought, was if Erica stopped her, if they thought she went too far. First she wrapped the rope around Samantha’s wrists, securing it with a firm knot and then looped it around the chair legs so she could not pull up her arms. So far not too different from what they’d done to her. Olivia had seen quite a bit of bondage however, on some of those events she’d been to with Jonathan she’d seen quite some devilish looking constrictions. Without wasting too much time thinking about it, she grabbed Samantha’s hair, gathering it in her hand like a pony-tail by wrapping the rope around it. The woman gasped in surprise as she pulled, the rope held and carefully she pulled her head backwards, until she was stuck staring at the ceiling whilst Olivia secured the rope to the same knot that was tied around her wrists.
“Time!” Their boss called.
Olivia stepped back, hoping her knots would hold. She gave a quick glance at Erica who she noticed was looking at her. The domme raised an eyebrow at her, which made her blush, but made no complaints about her handiwork.
Olivia joined Alex, who looked slightly impressed, before looking at the woman they’d tied down together. Legs spread wide, chest heaving as her body arched upwards over the back of the chair, she looked uncomfortable, but undeniably hot. They hadn’t had time to tie her upper body to the back of the chair, but Olivia hoped that wouldn’t be necessary.
“Everything alright?” Erica asked once again.
There was a short silence, “yes,” Samantha whimpered.
“Alright,” Jonathan said, “Your ten minutes start… now.”
There was barely any movement. Any time Samantha tried to fidget with the ropes, there was a soft whimpering sound as she pulled on her own hair. Minutes passed and it didn’t seem like she’d be able to free herself. Olivia almost began to feel bad, thinking she’d gone too far. Then suddenly, Samantha’s head whipped forward, she’d freed her hair. Olivia felt a sudden burst of hope. You can do it, she thought, as the other woman furiously wrestled with the rope around her wrists.
But too much time had passed.
“Time’s up!” Jonathan called, while Samantha was still tied down, arms behind her back, legs spread and tied to the legs of her chair.
“You can stop now,” Erica said, and Samatha finished her struggles.
“That’s ten points for Samantha,” their boss announced.
“Not just ten points,” Erica added, she suddenly stood right in front of the chair, placing the tip of her riding crop under Samantha’s chin, pushing her face up to look her in the eyes, “You see, we forgot to mention there’s a penalty if you don’t manage to free yourself in the allotted time.”
A deep silence followed those words. Olivia could see the nervous look on Samantha’s face and feel the arousal gnawing at her own lower belly, imagining what this penalty might be.
“Ten swats,” Erica said, “with this,” smacking the riding crop in the palm of her hand.
Samantha moaned softly, for a split second Olivia wished she could take her place.
Gently, Erica ran the leather tip of her riding crop over the woman’s inner thighs. With Samantha’s legs spread and tied to the chair and her skirt pushed up high, the dominatrix had a large area of soft pale flesh just above the edge of her stockings to play with.
“One!” Erica called suddenly and the riding crop flicked through the air, landing with a sharp snap on Samantha’s inner thigh.
The tied up woman moaned deeply, but was unable to move or escape her punishment.
Erica took her time, taking careful aim before each swat and calling them all out loudly “Two!” and “Three!”
Bright red marks appeared on Samantha’s inner thighs, only an inch or two across and they only slowly disappeared.
After the fifth or sixth swat, Samantha’s moans turned into squeals and Olivia could feel her own bottom and thighs tingling, imagining the stinging pain. It was still early afternoon of course, her own time would soon come.
Samantha was noticeably out of breath by the time the eighth and ninth smack landed, from arousal more than anything else. She almost seemed disappointed when that last, loud “Ten!” landed.
“Good girl,” Erica said, before kneeling down beside the woman and gently untying the knots that kept her bound to the chair.
There was no victory to celebrate this time, but the three women still came together for a hug. Olivia felt assured when Samantha smiled at her, seemingly holding no grudge for how she’d tied her up and made her lose.
“Lucky you,” she could hear Alex whisper in Samantha’s ear.


“Let’s have a short break, so you can all catch your breath, and then we can move on to the next activity,” their boss announced.
Samantha gently caressed her inner thighs as she sat back down in the large sofa beside her two colleagues. The sting of a riding crop, wielded by a hot dominatrix was not at all what she’d expected when arriving at Jonathan’s office a few hours ago. Yet she could not deny her arousal, this afternoon was going to be a lot hotter than just a firm paddling across her boss’ desk.
She noticed her two colleagues take a sip of their water, and while grabbing her drink herself, Samantha realized she’d never be able to look at these coworkers the same again. Not just because they might see her get spanked, or because she might see them, but because of the way they’d tied her up. They’d been active participants in this event and … well being tied up like that had turned out to be more arousing than she’d anticipated.
“How are you girls doing?” Erica asked.
Samantha nodded, “I’m fine,” she replied. In fact, she was ready for the next activity. This was great, she was enjoying herself.
The other two reacted affirmingly as well and Erica clapped her hands enthusiastically. “Ready for the next activity then?” she asked.
The three women nodded.
“Jonathan?” Erica once again urged their boss to explain the next game.
Samantha looked at their boss. Usually he was quite hands on when it came to her discipline – literally – though today he seemed to let Erica do most of the work. Though he was certainly present, paying close attention.
“The next activity,” Jonathan explained, “Is a Teamwork exercise. Not only will you have to work as a team, you will also be graded as a team. In the end you will all get the same amount of points, so you’ll have to work together to make sure your tallies stay as low as possible.”
Samantha licked her lips. Teamwork? That could be fun, interesting, exciting…
“Who wants to go first?” Erica asked.
Samantha was surprised for a moment, if it was a teamwork activity, why would someone need to go first? Nonetheless, she quickly raised her hand. She’d lost the last game by going last, so this time she wanted to be first.
“Good, Samantha, come with me please.” Erica said, getting up out of her chair.
Nervously Samantha followed the woman – who had just recently whipped her thighs with her riding crop – out of the room. She tried to hide her nervousness by staring straight ahead, but was distracted by the woman’s bouncing step and the view of her firm, smooth buttocks.
Erica led her through two sets of doors, into a small chamber that held just a table and two chairs. On the table was a small suitcase.
“Please have a seat,” Erica ordered.
Samantha quietly sat down, still no idea what this activity would entail, even more nervous now that she and Erica were in a room alone.
“I’m going to show you a piece of paper with fifteen items on it,” Erica explained, “You have five minutes to remember as many as you can. Then, one of your colleagues will come in and you have to tell them as many items as you can remember. Do you understand?”
Samantha breathed a sigh of relief. This really was just a common team-building exercise. “I understand,” she replied. Though part of her wondered how Erica and her boss were going to make this one more interesting.
When Erica opened the suitcase, that question was quickly answered. Inside was a single piece of paper with fifteen small drawings, as well as a round red ball, connected with metal joints to two leather straps.
“Because we were sure that an intelligent woman such as yourself can remember fifteen random items,” Erica explained, “Jonathan and I decided to make it more difficult to communicate these items to your colleague by making you wear this.”
Samantha blushed as Erica walked around the table, ball-gag in hand, until she stood behind her.
“Open your mouth, please,” she asked.
Samantha’s blush deepened, but she obediently opened her mouth, letting Erica wedge the ball between her teeth and secure the leather straps around her head.
The ball-gag was quite distracting, but she did her best to ignore it and focus on the piece of paper in front of her. Communicating these items without proper pronunciation would be difficult, but it was something to worry about later, first she’d have to remember them all.
Erica in the meantime stood in the corner of the room, looking at her intently, as if making sure she was not trying to cheat in any way. Every now and then, the snap of the riding crop hitting the palm of her hand shook Samantha out of her concentration. The sound reminded her of the crop hitting her inner thighs and awakened short-term memories of pain and arousal, making it even harder to focus.
As time passed and the fifteen items slowly solidified in her mind, Samantha could feel the drool dripping down her chin, unable to stop it with her mouth wedged open. It made her blush and served for yet another distraction, especially when the first few drops landed on the piece of paper in front of her.
“Time’s almost up,” Erica said, “I’ll leave you alone for a second to fetch your friend and when I’m back you better remember all fifteen items.”
Samantha nodded, trying to name all the items in her head without looking at the paper.
When Erica returned with Alex at her side, Samantha groaned softly. Erica was leading Alex by her arm, because the other woman was wearing a blindfold.
While remembering these items, Samantha had been practicing in her mind how she could communicate with sign-language. But if Alex was going to be blindfolded, that wasn’t going to work.
Erica led Alex to the other chair and as soon as she sat down, she grabbed the piece of paper,hiding it once more in its case.
“Alex, Samantha has just memorized fifteen different items,” the dominatrix explained, “she is now going to tell you what these are, you will then have to remember them as well so you can pass on the list to Olivia.”
Alex nodded, “Alright.”
“You have five minutes,” Erica said.
A short silence followed, while Samantha thought about what to do, yet she couldn’t think of anything but just try to speak.
“…air,” she said.
Alex looked surprised, even with the blindfold covering most of her face. “Sorry?” she asked.
Samantha blushed, already feeling more drool dripping down her chin. “Hhh…air,” she tried again.
“Hair?” Alex asked.
Samantha shook her head, “…oh.”
Alex now shook her head as well. “What’s going on, why can’t you talk properly?”
“…all…hah,” Samantha tried to explain.
Alex laughed, a small giggle she couldn’t contain. “Sorry,” she said, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”
Samantha sighed. “…air,” she tried again.
Alex licked her lips. “Are you trying to say hair?”
“Ho!” Samantha replied.
“Does it rhyme with hair?” Her colleague asked.
Alex giggled. “Okay, new plan. Knock on the table: once for no, twice for yes, three times for ‘rhymes with’”
Samantha frowned, but then realized this might not be a bad idea. This was a game after all, so they had to treat it like one. She knocked on the table twice.
“Hair?” Alex asked.
Samantha knocked three times.
“Chair?” Alex tried.
Samantha knocked twice.
This new method worked pretty well, but it wasn’t foolproof of course. Not all items were as straight-forward as a chair and even when you knew what it sounded like or rhymed with, you might just not think of it. Especially the kinkier items such as whip or handcuffs were difficult to convey.
Still, Samantha managed to get nine out of fifteen items communicated to Alex before Erica told them their time was up. She thought she could’ve done more, if they’d thought of the tapping strategy sooner; though she was already having trouble remembering which items were left.
Erica opened the door, “Jonathan, could you bring Olivia please?” she called out.
“Samantha, you can stand up and come stand with me.”
Samantha got up out of her chair and joined the woman at the side of the room. She had thought she’d have to leave for this last part, but she was happy she’d be allowed to witness it instead.
When Olivia arrived she wasn’t gagged or blindfolded or anything, so Samantha wondered how this game would end.
Eagerly Olivia sat down at the table, curiously looking at her colleagues: Alex with the blindfold in front of her eyes and Samantha still gagged, drool dripping down her chin.
“Olivia, in a moment Alex is going to name up to fifteen items. You will have to draw all of these. Every item you draw that was also on the list Samantha got at the start of this exercise, will lower your score by one. Remember, you want as low a score as possible. The drawings don’t have to be great, just recognizable.”
Olivia nodded.
Their boss Jonathan then placed an empty piece of paper on the table in front of her as well as a few pencils. He also handed Erica a set of leather cuffs.
Erica stepped behind Olviia’s chair, “Give me your hands please.”
Olivia blushed but placed her hands behind her back, letting Erica secure the cuffs around her wrists.
“How ish she oin o raw like tha?” Samantha drawled, looking in surprise.
“You Samantha, are not allowed to talk,” Erica said, “From now on whenever you speak, will be counted as cheating and you will all gain an extra point.”
Samantha blushed, but smartly kept quiet.
“Olivia, open your mouth for me please,” Erica asked.
Olivia blushed, but obediently opened her mouth.
Erica picked up one of the pencils and then carefully,ever so gently, placed it between her lips.
“You have fifteen minutes, starting now,” she then said.
Samantha looked excitedly at the last part of the activity. She quietly cheered to herself for every word Alex remembered. They’d worked well to communicate all that without being able to talk properly.
Drawing with your mouth was difficult of course, and Samantha could see that Olivia was having a hard time. She wondered whether she could even see her own work properly. Alex was still blindfolded of course, so she couldn’t give any feedback and Samantha herself wasn’t allowed to talk.
The work was slow and Olivia even lost a bit of time dropping the pencil a few times, having to ask Erica to give it back. When Jonathan announced that their time was up, they were only on number six of the nine words Samantha knew Alex had correctly learned, and not all of those looked all that recognizable.
“Let’s have a look,” Erica announced, picking up Olivia’s drawing. She showed it to their boss and the two of them conversed in whispers for a moment.
“I recognized four correct items,” Jonathan announced, “so that’s eleven points for each of you.”
Samantha groaned softly, she didn’t know whether that was within expectations, but four out of fifteen probably meant not.
“Total scores,” their boss continued while Erica gently loosened the leather straps that had held the ball-gag in place all this time, “twenty-one for Samantha, twenty for Alex and winning for now is Olivia with eighteen points.”
Erica in the meantime freed Alex from her blindfold and lastly Olivia from the handcuffs. “That’s two activities done. Let’s take another quick break, because they will only get more intense from here on out.”
Samantha softly massaged her jaw which had grown a little stiff. Alex, who hadn’t seen Olivia’s drawings yet giggled as she looked at her work. Oliva grinned and asked her if she thought she could’ve done better.
Giggling, the three women followed Erica and their boss back to the sitting area where the third activity would be explained to them.


The three women, glass of water in their hands, listened intently to their boss explaining the third activity.
“This next activity,” Jonathan explained, “Will test your problem-solving abilities. You will each receive a list of questions, puzzles really and have to solve these as quickly as possible.”
Alex nodded, “And what is the interesting twist this time, if I may ask?”
Their boss grinned and looked at Erica.
“I’ll show you,” the dominatrix replied.
Erica stood up from her chair and picked up one of the ropes they’d used earlier during the bonding exercise. She laid it down in a large circle in the middle of the room. “Everyone come here and stand in this circle, please.”
Alex got up eagerly and was quickly followed by the two other women as they stepped inside the circle.
“For this exercise your bottoms will need to be bared, so if you could all take off your skirts,” Erica continued.
Alex blushed and looked at the women beside her. Ever since arriving at her boss’ office earlier that day she’d known her bottom would be bared for a punishment. When she’d then learned these colleagues would be witnesses to that she’d been aroused. But now that the time had come she felt shy.
Olivia was the first to unzip her skirt and pull it down. Underneath she wore a black lace thong as well as a garter-belt holding up her stockings. Alex and Samantha quickly followed her example. Samantha revealing her bright red lace panties and garter-belt and Alex’ showing off her white lace thong.
“Those are some very cute panties, young ladies,” Erica said, “And matching too, it’s almost like you coordinated this beforehand, all different colors, but all in lace and all leaving your cute buttocks completely bare. Or perhaps you all just know what your boss likes,” she looked at Jonathan for a moment, “I’m beginning to understand why you like these three so much. They definitely know how to dress for a spanking.”
Alex’ blush deepened, it was true of course, she’d specifically chosen these panties knowing she was called into her boss’ office for discipline. She assumed the others had as well.
“Anyway…” Erica continued, “While the three of you are solving your puzzles, I will be providing some distractions.” WHACK! She slammed the riding crop in the palm of her hand to accentuate the statement.
Alex noticed Samantha wince, probably remembering the sting of that implement from the ending of their first activity. Alex herself couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused that she would finally be subject to its sting.
“You can move around inside this circle,” Erica said, “But I don’t want to see any pushing or pulling. Any fighting will result in a sore red backside, do you understand?”
Alex nodded, “Yes, miss.”
“Yes,” the other women repeated.
Jonathan, who had been watching them with an amused look, got up out of his chair and picked up three clipboards from the table. He handed the first one to Samantha and whispered something in her ear. The next he handed to Olivia, whispering to her as well. Finally he handed one to Alex, and whispered ‘good luck’ as he quickly squeezed her bared bottom.
Alex blushed and looked at the other two women, seeing from their blushing faces that she hadn’t been the only one to feel that reassuring squeeze.
The clipboards contained a single piece of paper as well as a pen. On the paper were ten questions: riddles, puzzles and brain-teasers.
I’m good at this, I should win this, Alex thought.
“You’ve got twenty minutes,” Erica said, ‘you gain one point per minute that passes until you’re ready, minus one point for each question you get correct. Time starts now.”
I’ve got this, Alex thought again, quickly focussing on the first question in front of her. Before she was even done reading the prompt however, she was distracted by a sudden yelp. She looked up to see Samantha vigorously rubbing her backside and Erica stepping out from behind her, holding her riding crop.
Alex blushed and focussed on the problem in front of her again. Another yelp sounded, Olivia this time. She ignored it. But then the riding crop landed with a sharp crack across her backside. She winced, almost dropping her pen.
She looked up, seeing Erica slowly circle around the three of them, just outside the rope circle. A sudden idea came to her mind and she quickly turned around so that her bottom would be facing away from the danger. The other two women immediately realized what she was doing and turned around as well. All three of them now standing back to back, their backsides nearly touching.
“Turn around,” Erica ordered, “I want those bottoms facing me, or I will be adding extra points to your score.”
Alex blushed, but turned around as ordered. She kept paying more attention to Erica than before. She was slowly making her way around their circle, so Alex moved at the same speed, trying to stay on the other side, far out of reach of her riding crop.
The first few puzzles she managed to answer quite quickly. All three of them seemed to manage staying out of range. Yet Alex felt like Erica kept coming closer and closer. It took a while for her to notice why. Jonathan, who had been standing to the side, watching, was gently pulling on the end of the rope that had been used to draw their circle. The area they were allowed to stay in was getting smaller and smaller. It wasn’t long before it was impossible to stay out of Erica’s reach and Alex, Samanta and Olivia winced, moaned and yelped when her riding crop found their backsides.
Alex was about five questions in and had no idea how much time had passed. Half a dozen or so burning red spots across her backside distracted her from the work she was supposed to do. If she was going to win this, she’d have to come up with an idea.
“Stay next to me,” she whispered when Samantha came close.
“What?” the woman replied, distracted from the puzzle she was solving.
“Stay next to me and walk counter-clockwise,” Alex said.
Samantha looked confused.
“Olivia’s winning,” Alex explained, “she’s two points ahead already, we need to work together.”
Samantha suddenly seemed to understand. Quickly she adapted her pace to match Alex’ and together they made sure to move at the same speed as Erica, staying out of her reach.
Olivia, who was now trapped with her back to the dominatrix, was suddenly the target of several lashes of her riding crop and looked up in surprise when there was no safe space to move to. “Move, please,” she begged, but the other women kept their deliberate slow pace.
“No pushing!” Erica said, as Olivia tried to push her way to safety.
Alex and Samantha didn’t need to push, they’d been slowly moving around during this entire exercise and now Olivia couldn’t stop their slow, deliberate gate.
The poor woman yelped and mewled, trying to solve the puzzles in front of her while her backside was the sole target of Erica’s riding crop.
Alex almost felt sorry for her, but instead focussed on the riddles in front of her. She almost stepped out of the circle when their boss pulled on it more. It became too small for them to move around in and then all three of them were once again the target of Erica’s distractions.
Luckily, she only had two more questions to solve whilst enduring those biting swats across her bottom, before she could step outside the circle and announce she was done.
After handing the clipboard to Jonathan, Alex stood rubbing her backside as she watched the other two women finish their puzzles as Erica circled around them. Samantha finished not long after her, but Olivia needed several more minutes thanks to their earlier tactics.
Finally, all three women stood together, rubbing their bottoms as Jonathan and Olivia tallied their scores.
“Alex finished first,” Jonathan said, “After sixteen minutes and eight out of ten correct answers, giving her a score of eight.”
Alex smiled. Eight out of ten had to be good, right?
“Samantha finished just after,” their boss continued, “With seventeen minutes and nine correct answers, also scoring eight total points.”
Alex frowned, she hadn’t expected the others to score higher than her. At least their scores were the same. There was no way Olivia did better though…
“Olivia finished last, only barely within the limit with nineteen minutes. She also got nine correct answers, leaving her with a total of ten points.”
Olivia sighed, giving the other two women an angry look. She knew they’d worked against her.
“That means the total scores are twenty-nine for Samantha, twenty-eight for Alex and twenty-eight as well for Olivia.”
Alex grinned broadly. She might’ve had the least correct answers, but she had caught up in score. This was turning out to be a tight race.


Back in their seats, the cold leather of Erica’s couch was a welcome contrast to the sting in Olivia’s bottom. She noticed the other two women softly squirming in their seats, but she was sure that her own bottom was the hottest of the three of them. Their conspiracy had made sure of that. Yet somehow it made her smile, this was supposed to be a competition after all and now she was more eager than before to win.
Olivia thought that they might get more time to rest between these activities, but their boss, Jonathan was already explaining what the next game would be while she drank from her water. All of this was of course meant to be a punishment, she reminded herself, and like punishment it would get more and more intense toward the end, she imagined.
“This next activity,” Jonathan said, “will be a communication exercise. It will once again be a team-activity, so you will have to work together and everyone gets the same amount of points in the end.”
“The goal is of course still to earn as few points as possible,” Erica interrupted, “even though during this activity you might feel inclined to… play slow and earn a few more points at your opponents’ expense.” She smiled mysteriously as she said this.
“Rather than explaining, I think it would be easier if we just showed them,” Jonathan said to Erica.
The dominatrix nodded and got up from her seat.
All three of them – no, all four, for Jonathan couldn’t keep his eyes off her either – watched her walk away, swaying hips and bared bottom in that tight leather outfit.
Erica returned moments later, pulling behind her a wooden contraption on four wheels.
Olivia immediately recognized it as a spanking horse. She wondered whether the other women had ever seen one before, but even if they hadn’t, its purpose couldn’t be missed, with its leather padded back, arm and knee rests and leather straps to secure whoever was bent over it.
“During this next exercise, you will be taking turns on this,” Erica said as she locked the wheels into place, “Have any of you ever seen one of these before?”
Olivia raised her hand, the others didn’t.
Erica smiled, “Good, then you can come first.”
Olivia blushed and a short silence followed. Did she mean, like right now?
“Come on, don’t be shy.” Erica said.
Olivia’s blush deepened as she got up and moved closer.
“You can take off your jacket and your blouse,” the dominatrix said, “You’ll be more comfortable.”
Olivia bit her lower lip, stripping even further in front of her colleagues and their boss, until all she wore was her bra, panties and stockings, as well as her high heels.
Erica helped her onto the horse, the main center beam comfortably supported her upper body and reached between her legs, spreading them far apart. Her knees and elbows rested on padded supports. The dominatrix then began to secure the leather straps over her lower arms, her legs, her thighs and finally one over her lower back, securing her firmly to the spanking horse with barely any freedom to move.
The horse was placed so that she faced the other woman and Jonathan, only Erica had a direct view of her raised bottom.
Olivia blushed deeply when she felt Erica’s hand gently caressing her bared buttocks. She was deeply aroused at this point. She had been all evening, and it had been growing. She was suddenly thankful for how the horse was positioned so that no-one else but Erica might see how wet her panties must be.
“Remember,” Erica whispered as she continued to pet her backside, “Call out my name if you need to stop.”
Olivia nodded, at least she tried to, there was not much room to move in this position.
“I’m now going to spank this naughty backside of yours.” Erica said, now loud enough for all of them to hear, “And I’m going to keep going, until you can guess correctly, which implement I’m using.
Olivia moaned softly, she’d been waiting for a good spanking all afternoon. She almost no longer cared who would be watching. The anticipation almost made her miss the rest of Erica’s explanation.
“Your friends may give you hints about what implement I’m using,” Erica continued, “But they may not speak and only use hand-signs and body language to communicate.”
Olivia giggled in surprise, “Like charades,” she replied.
Erica grinned, “Exactly! Now let’s begin.”
Olivia bit her lip and braced herself as Erica grabbed a mystery implement from the bag at Jonathan’s feet.
“One!” She called out loudly and something hard and heavy landed across Olivia’s backside.
Olivia squealed in surprise as the flesh in her buttocks rippled from the impact. The spanking horse firmly held her in place however and Erica raised the mystery implement again.
“Two!” she called and Olivia squealed again as something landed with full force across her bottom.
She closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath. She hadn’t expected to be spanked this hard so suddenly. She had hoped they’d start of more slowly…
“Three!” Erica announced and Olivia moaned deeply as the implement set her buttocks on fire.
Of course, the earlier activities had been the foreplay, she’d been right in thinking that this was only going to get more intense.
“Four!” And another heavy swat landed across her backside.
Olivia whimpered. How was she ever going to guess what implement Erica ws using, she could barely think in this position.
“Olivia, open your eyes,” she suddenly heard her boss’ voice, “You’re not even looking at what your friends are trying to tell you.”
Olivia blushed, she’d almost forgotten that Samantha and Alex were supposed to give her hints.
“Five!” Erica called, but this time Olivia kept her eyes open as she yowled, focussed on the strange dance her colleagues seemed to be performing.
She had no idea what they were trying to tell her. Samantha was swinging her arm, that didn’t help, every implement she could think of could be swung like that. And Alex was waving her hands back and forth as if that might mean anything to her.
“Six!” Erica announced and Olivia squealed in frustration.
Long! She thought, Alex was trying to tell her it was long. Long and heavy, she knew it was heavy, she could feel it. This wasn’t some whip or switch. “A paddle!” She cried out.
“Seven!” Erica called out, followed by another deep moan, “What kind of paddle?”
“Wooden!” Olivia guessed, she didn’t even look at her colleagues, guessing would be faster.
“Eight!” Erica announced and Olivia whimpered as her bottom was set on fire. Was it not wooden? What else could it be?
“Something is written on it,” Erica said.
Olivia’s eyes widened. How should she know what was written on a paddle she couldn’t see? She looked at Samantha and Alex, but couldn’t make out what they were doing. What would you write on a paddle?
“Naughty!” Olivia guessed.
The ninth swat didn’t land. “Very good,” Erica said, “A wooden paddle with the word naughty on it.”
Olivia took a deep breath. She did it! She felt a strange sense of euphoria.
“Very good,” Erica said again, now whispering as she gently untied the straps that were holding her down, while occasionally caressing her burning red bottom.
When she finally helped her off the horse, Olivia clasped her glowing backside, gently massaging her sore buttocks. She blushed as she noticed the other two women looking at her, yet their look was one of anticipation rather than satisfaction. The smile on her boss’ face however was smug and made her feel as horny as when Erica had only just tied her down.
“Since you went first,” Erica said, “I’ll let you choose who goes next.”
Olivia smiled, looking at the two women in front of her, who were now nervously looking at her. Thoughts raised through her head. She was pretty sure that Alex had orchestrated their little play in the last game, so she could send her in next. Though this was a team exercise, so their points would be tallied together. Perhaps she should let Samantha go first and then, depending on how well she does, she could go easy on the amount of hints she gave Alex if their combined scores didn’t seem too high.
“Samantha can go next,” she said.
The woman blushed and shyly, yet at the same time eagerly, got up from her seat.
Olivia sat back down on the sofa, trying not to squirm as she rested on her stinging backside. She watched with interest as her colleague stripped down to her underwear before being tied down over the spanking horse. She felt calm, knowing that she’d already gone her turn. Alex beside her however, was fidgeting nervously. She grinned, knowing she’d made the right choice in letting her go last.
For this next round, Erica grabbed a long, two-tailed leather tawse. It wasn’t long before the first squeals came from Samantha’s lips as her backside was set on fire.
Olivia almost forgot she was supposed to give hints, yet just like her, Samantha wasn’t able to pay much attention at the start.
She’d felt a bit annoyed at her colleagues, and their inability to give good hints, but now that it was her turn, Olivia realized how hard it was to describe a spanking implement without words. Especially to someone who was distracted by that exact implement being used on their poor backside.
Samantha’s moans and squeals filled the room as she tried to guess what implement she was being punished with. “A belt!” “A whip!” She tried.
She was thinking in the right direction, Olivia thought, something less heavy, but more flexible than the paddle which had been used on her bottom.
“Six!” Erica called, followed by more moaning and squirming by Samantha.
“A strap!” Samantha cried out.
“Almost right,” Erica replied.
There was a longer pause before the next swat this time, as if the dominatrix was giving her more time to think. Olivia wondered whether her colleague even knew what this kind of implement was called.
“One of those straps that has more than one tail.” Samantha tried.
“Seven!” Erica announced, followed by a deep moan from Samantha. “Do you mean a tawse?” She asked.
“Yes, a tawse!” Samantha replied.
“How many tails does this tawse have?” Erica asked.
Olivia immediately held up two fingers.
“Two!” Samantha called out.
“Eight!” Erica called and Samantha cried out in surprise as the tawse landed across her backside again.
Olivia blushed, she hadn’t miscounted, had she?
“What color is this tawse?” Erica asked.
“Brown! Black!” Samantha guessed before the dominatrix could raise if for a ninth time.
“Very good, a black, two-tailed tawse.” Erica replied, laying down the implement and gently caressing the woman’s sore red buttocks before beginning to untie her.
Samantha was blushing furiously as she was helped off the horse, rubbing her bottom firmly.
“That’s eight points again,” Erica said, “Let’s see if you can do any better, Alex.”
The last of her colleagues got up as Samantha sat down next to Olivia. She squirmed softly as her weight settled in on her buttocks, reminding Olivia of her own stinging backside. “Well done,” she whispered to her.
Samantha smiled, “Thanks for the hints.”
Alex now undressed and took her turn on the spanking horse. As she was being tied down, Olivia whispered to Samantha, “Was it Alex’ idea to work against me during the previous activity?”
Samantha blushed, “Yeah, she said you were winning, so we needed to work together.”
Alex grinned, she felt like she and Samantha had scored pretty well with eight points, they could probably afford Alex scoring at least nine or ten in this group exercise. “Let’s wait a bit before giving her any hints,” she whispered.
Samantha bit her lip and then nodded, “I guess that would be fair.”
After Alex was tied down, she immediately locked on to the two women in front of her. Unlike Olivia or Samantha, she seemed focussed and wasn’t going to waste any time at the start.
Samantha and Olivia sat unmoving, arms crossed however, not giving any hints about the large flogger Erica raised behind their colleague.
Alex’ eyes widened when she realized what they were doing.
“One!” Erica called and Alex groaned deeply as two dozen or so thin leather tails landed across her backside.
“Two!” Erica announced and Alex squealed in frustration as no hints were given.
She moaned and yelped as her bottom turned hot and red with each landing of the mystery implement. “A belt,” she guessed, “a paddle, a whip…” she had no idea and was just guessing without the help of her colleagues.
Alex yelped loudly as the fifth swat landed across her backside and Olivia could feel Samantha’s hand on her knee. She looked over and nodded,it was time to help.
It still wasn’t easy of course, communicating what they saw to the moaning, whimpering woman. Three more swats had landed across her poor bottom before Alex finally guessed, “A flogger!”
That wasn’t enough of course, Erica wanted more details and she was already at eight.
A ninth smack landed across Alex’ behind before she guessed the correct colors: black and purple. And finally a tenth smack finished off her score before she correctly identified it had somewhere between twenty-five and thirty long single tails.
Alex was visibly out of breath when Erica helped her off the horse, and for a moment, Olivia was nervous that she might be angry with her for what she’d done.
When her colleague joined her back on the couch, squirming just like them, she was smiling. “I guess I deserved that after our last game…” she whispered.
“Well, that was exciting,” Jonathan said, “and I hope you ladies are learning why we’re here today.”
Olivia blushed as she looked at her boss. It had been easy to forget that all of this was supposed to be their punishment for not showing up to the actual team-building activities the company had organized. But the sorer her bottom got, the better she remembered.
“I believe you all scored eighteen points in total,” their boss continued, “that results in forty-seven, forty-six and forty-six points for Samantha, Alex and Olivia, in that order.”
Erica, who just returned from dragging the spanking-horse back where it came from, was smiling broadly. “I’m glad to hear we’ll most likely be breaking fifty points for every one of you.”
Olivia looked at her quizzically, but the dominatrix gave no further explanation to what she meant with that.
“And it’s a close race too,” Jonathan replied, “With just one point separating everyone and just one activity to go.”


“The last activity,” their boss explained, “Is a game of knowledge. It’s a simple quiz. I will ask a question and the first one who answers correctly wins.”
Samantha licked her lips. She was good in quizzes, she could win this, she was only one point behind the others.
“For each question you get right, the others get one point,” Jonathan continued, “if you answer wrong however, you get the point. There will be twenty questions in total.”
“And…” Erica continued, “Each point is accompanied by a firm swat from my favorite paddle.”
Samantha blushed as she looked up at the dominatrix, she’d exchanged her riding crop for a long, heavy wooden paddle, with two rows of holes along its surface to reduce air resistance.
“If you could all follow me, please,” Erica said.
The three women eagerly, yet nervously followed her to the large table at the other side of the room.
One by one, Erica turned around the chairs and told them to kneel down on the cushioned seat, then bend over to rest their elbows on the table. “Stick out those bottoms, ladies!” She called.
Samantha bit her lips nervously, she had the middle chair, Alex was to her left, Olivia to her right. She noticed their boss taking a chair on the opposite side of the table, sitting down in front of her.
Then Erica placed a large red button in front of each of them. Samantha suppressed a giggle, they had actually provided special buttons for the quiz.
“Any answer without pressing the button first, will count as a wrong answer,” Erica told them, “in case of doubt, Jonathan will decide who was first, do you understand?”
“Yes, miss,” the three women answered.
“All right, Jonathan, you can start.”
Samantha bit her lip, they were getting right to it…
The first question surprised her, “Name one of the drawings you had to communicate during today’s second activity.”
Samantha was a fraction faster than the others, hitting her button. “Chair!” she answered correctly.
What followed were two loud thwacks and squeals to the right and left of her.
The next question was similarly about today’s earlier activities and again Samantha was faster than the others. The sound of the paddle hitting her coworkers’ backsides was frighteningly loud, and their squeals sent a shiver up her spine. She knew she wasn’t going to be spared for long, but at least for now she was two points ahead.
By the third question however, Samantha was over confident. Again she was faster than the others to hit the button, only to realize she didn’t know the answer. She squealed as the paddle landed across her bottom.
Now, being more careful, Samantha let Alex outspeed her on the next question, resulting in another firm swat across her and Olivia’s backside and erasing the small lead she’d built.
The fifth question resulted in three loud smacks and whimpering moans as none of the young women knew the correct answer; before Samantha got back into her stride and managed to answer the sixth one correctly.
The answers were getting more difficult the longer the game went on. They were no longer just about the games they’d played, but other details as well: What color was the trim on Erica’s corset, how many paintings hang in her living room, how long had the drive been from their office to her home?
The next question, about how many times in total had Erica smacked them with her riding crop, no-one got correct. But after three more loud smacks across the womens’ backsides, the next one was again Samantha’s for the taking. Four, six, seven, she repeated in her mind, trying to keep score as her colleagues yelped in pain. She was winning, though her bottom didn’t feel like it.
They were nine questions in before Olivia managed her first correct answer, and after they all failed on the tenth, resulting in firm swats of Erica’s paddle for each of them, she managed another, pulling their scores more even.
Breathing heavily after three back-to-back swats across her poor backside, Samantha tried to regain her focus. She answered the next question first, resulting in whispered curse words from Olivia who knew the answer as well.
Frustrated that Samantha had outsped her, Olivia rushed to answer the next question, only to whimper as she got it wrong and was the only one to receive a swat from the paddle.
With the fourteenth and fifteenth questions Alex made a come-back, resulting in two more swats for Samantha and Olivia. Samantha squealed as the paddle landed across her poor bottom a second time in a row, not just for the pain, but also because she knew her lead had shrunk to just a single point.
Just five more questions to go, she thought and her bottom was on fire. Olivia once again outsped her on the next question, but got it wrong again. She was behind in points and Samantha could feel she was getting desperate. So far however, her desperation only resulted in more pain for her own backside.
Then finally, Samantha got another correct question, resulting in the squeals of her colleagues.
Olivia, desperately, tried again, and this time got it right, making Samantha – and Alex – squeal in turn.
The penultimate question, none of them got correct, resulting in three more swats across their poor backsides.
Then after the last question, a long silence followed. “What is Erica’s favorite color?”
“Does no-one want to answer?” Jonathan asked.
Samantha kept her hands close, she didn’t know the answer, and if her calculations were correct she was still ahead, she wasn’t going to risk it to guess.
Olivia was behind however, and she knew it. She reached out and hit the button in front of her, hoping that one last correct guess could even the scores a little. “Black?” She guessed.
“Incorrect,” Erica whispered and Olivia squealed as the paddle landed with a loud thwack across her backside.
The three women sat side by side, still hunched over the table as Jonathan tallied their scores.
Samantha wanted badly to reach back and sooth her sore, burning backside, but she felt they were not allowed to move until Erica or Jonathan told them to.
“Samantha,” her boss finally said. She looked up and suddenly felt Erica’s soft hand gently caressing her blazing bottom. “Eleven points.”
Samantha smiled, that was exactly what she’d calculated in her head.
“Alex,” Jonathan continued and Erica’s hand disappeared from Samantha’s backside, now presumably giving some soothing caresses to that of Alex. “Thirteen points.”
Samantha smiled, surely she’d won.
“Olivia,” their boss finished, “Sixteen points.”
Olivia groaned at hearing her score.
“You may all get up and return to your seats.”
Three pairs of hands reached around, firmly rubbing and kneading three red, sore bottoms as the women got up off their chairs. Together they walked back to the couch where they sat down, whimpering and squirming in their seats.


“Now, for today’s final scores,” their boss said as they all sat down. “In last place, with sixty-two points: Olivia.”
Olivia blushed, still trying to rub her backside as she was seated on the couch.
“In second place, with fifty-nine points,” Jonathan continued – Alex and Samantha looked at each-other nervously – ‘’Is Alex.”
Alex let out a deep sigh. “Congratulations,” she whispered.
“And that leaves of course, in first place, with only fifty-seven points, Samantha!”
Samantha laughed and clapped her hands in joy.
“Congratulations,” Erica told her.
“Congratulations,” Olivia repeated.
“Let’s not celebrate too quickly however,” their boss continued, “As I hope you would all remember, before we started today, I told you that all three of you would receive a spanking for failure to attend our team-building event and this spanking would take place after today’s activities.”
Samantha blushed. She had in fact forgotten about that, she’d begun to assume that the activities themselves were that punishment, first the spanking across the spanking-horse and then the paddling during the quiz.
“Like I said earlier,” their boss continued, “the worse you did at these activities, the more severe your punishment will be,” he smiled broadly, “it’s quite simple really, one swat on your bare bottom, for each point you scored.”
Samantha bit her lower lip. Fifty-seven swats, that wouldn’t be too bad, usually it wouldn’t, but today her bottom was already hot and sore from the previous activities.
“First, we’ll let you all get a bit of rest,” Jonathan continued, “catch your breath, drink some water and mentally prepare yourself for your punishment.”
Samantha blushed, she caught herself licking her lips. This last part was surely going to be the most intense, she felt nervous, yet at the same time excited, embarrassed that she’d soon be punished once again in front of her colleagues, yet at the same time deeply aroused.
“Oh, and Samantha,” Jonathan added, “Since you won, you get to decide whether you want to be spanked by me, or Erica.”
Samanta’s blush deepened, she had to choose?
Part of her immediately went to Erica, she was so hot and sexy in her leather dominatrix outfit. She’d been spanked by Jonathan before and would surely be spanked by him again in the future. But then again, Erica had already chastised her bottom today, with her riding crop, with the mystery implement when she was tied down on the spanking horse, and with her paddle while they played their quiz. This whole afternoon, their boss had only watched. He’d surely appreciate it if she chose him.
Trying to hide her gaze while drinking her water, Samantha looked at her two options. Jonathan was the one who had arranged this for them, he was the one she ought to be thankful for organizing this. Choosing him would be the right thing to do, she thought. And perhaps part of her was also slightly more aroused to be spanked by him, not just because he was a man, but because he was her boss and when she’d feel his strong hands on her soft, defenseless backside, it would feel naughtier and more exciting.
“I’d like to be spanked by you, Sir.” Samantha said, facing her boss.
Jonathan’s grin widened and she could see from his gaze that he was surprised, but quite excitedly so, that she’d chosen him. “Alright then, let’s get started.”
Samantha blushed, she didn’t think they’d start right away.

Erica got up and once again dragged a chair from the table to the sitting area. She placed it in the middle of the room and motioned Jonathan to sit down.
“Across my lap, young lady,” her boss commanded.
Samantha blushed deeply as she got off the couch. No spanking horse or bending over a table for the paddle, this was going to be an intimate, over-the-knee spanking from her boss while the others watched.
As she approached the chair, Erica took her hands and helped her lay down across her boss’ lap.
“Would you get these out of the way for me, please?” Jonathan asked.
Samantha bit her lips as Erica stepped around her, she knew exactly what her boss meant and blushed deeply as the dominatrix slowly pulled down her panties, carefully baring her sore red bottom and revealing her wet, throbbing pussy.
“Thank you, that’s much better,” Jonathan replied and as he placed his strong, firm hand on her unprotected backside, Samantha saw Erica taking her place on the couch beside Alex and Olivia, all three ready to enjoy the spectacle.
“You have been a very naughty girl, Samantha,” Her boss told her.
Samantha licked her lips, “Yes, Sir.”
“You knew the team-building day you missed was mandatory and yet you did not show up and gave no warning or reasoning to why. Isn’t that correct?”
“Yes, Sir,” Samantha repeated.
“So do you agree that you deserve this punishment?” Her boss asked.
Samantha blushed, “Yes, Sir.”
“Good,” Jonathan replied. “You girls are lucky that I managed to arrange this today, or else I might’ve had to give you your punishments during our next event where all of your colleagues would be present.”
Samantha’s blush deepened significantly.
“You wouldn’t want that, would you?” Jonathan asked.
“No, Sir,” Samantha answered.
“I didn’t think so,” Jonathan replied, “And I think we can keep today’s activities between the four of us for now, can’t we, Olivia, Alex?”
“Yes, Sir,” The two other women quickly replied.
“Good, then let’s get started.”
Samantha braced herself as her boss raised his hand.
The first swat landed loud and firm across her backside, and she moaned deeply.
Again and again her boss’ hand connected with her buttocks. Samantha squirmed and yelped, the pain quickly building in her already sore bottom.
He wasn’t giving her any warm-up this time, not like he usually would. The swats across her backside were firm and fast, today’s team-building activities were all the warm-up she’d get.
Samantha squealed and kicked her legs as her boss’ hand rained down across her backside. She could hear him counting under his breath, but that number went up way too slowly for her liking, her backside was on fire, her buttocks trembling.
Samantha struggled and moaned, but Jonathan’s hand on her lower back firmly pinned her down across his lap. There was no escape as she squealed and whimpered.
Slowly his count reached fifty. Just a few more to go, she told herself. She’d won today’s activities, but there were only five points between her and last place, it barely made a difference. Five fewer swats didn’t make her bottom any less sore, any less on fire.
Finally, the onslaught stopped. Her boss’ hand rested on her burning backside as she tried to catch her breath.
“You can get up if you want,” Jonathan said, “or stay down if you need a moment.
Samantha blushed deeply. She did need a moment. Normally, when Jonathan spanked her in his office, and his hand rested on her bottom like this, he would gently caress her sore, throbbing backside. It was the most intimate their disciplinary sessions ever became, the furthest they let themselves go without going too far.
Samantha realized that by asking her whether she wished to get up, he was offering her the opportunity to skip that part this time, whilst she lay over his lap in front of her colleagues. She blushed deeply, she’d almost forgotten they were there.
When she didn’t get up, Samantha could feel her boss’ hand, now gently petting her bottom, softly caressing her backside, squeezing her buttocks and taking away a tiny bit of the pain he’d inflicted. Her arousal grew tenfold, the wetness between her legs building, her pussy throbbing whenever her fingers came near it, yet always just out of reach. She moaned softly, not able to control herself or hide her arousal. Perhaps this time, she thought, perhaps this once they might go further than just spanking and fondling… But no, just like last time and every time before in the past two years she stopped him. “Okay, I think I’m good,” she whispered.
Jonathan’s hand disappeared and suddenly Erica was there to help her off his lap.
Samantha blushed as she looked at the dominatrix and then her two colleagues looking at her. Quickly she pulled up her panties, whimpering as she pulled them over her sore, throbbing backside, and then went to sit down on the couch once more.

Jonathan got up as well and Erica took his place in the chair. “Your turn, Alex,” she said.
Samantha looked on excitedly as Alex took her place across Erica’s lap. She did not ask Jonathan’s help and lowered the woman’s panties herself.
For a moment Samantha was surprised at how red Alex’ bottom already was and realized her own must’ve been equally sore from all of their earlier games. No wonder the – relatively – short spanking across her boss’ knee had hurt so much.
As Erica began Alex’ punishment, Samantha quickly learned that choosing her boss over the dominatrix had certainly not been a mistake when it came to the severity of her punishment. For a moment she’d thought her boss’ stronger arms and big manly hands would result in a firmer spanking – not that that would have changed her choice – but Erica’s firm quick swats and Alex’ loud squeals and yelps along with her kicking feet and squirming hips told her that her punishment hurt just as much.
Samantha became transfixed on the scene in front of her, watching Erica pepper her colleague’s bottom, Alex’ cries and moans, her yelping and squealing, and the color in her backside growing brighter and brighter.
Finally, when it was over, the woman lay head down over Erica’s lap while she gently caressed her backside, rubbing away some of the pain.
Samantha blushed as she watched the caressing become ever more intimate and Alex’ moans sounding more and more aroused rather than whimpering in pain. She bit her lips, wondering whether that’s what she’d sounded like when she’d lain over her boss’ knee.
“I bet you wished you were in the boss’ office when he gave you that spanking.” Olivia suddenly whispered.
Samantha looked at the women beside her. “Why?” she asked, surprised.
Olivia winked, “You know, because I bet when no-one else is around he doesn’t stop at just some playful fondling after he’s finished your spanking.”
Samantha’s blush immediately deepened, “He’s never done more than just spank me,” she whispered.
Olivia giggled, then looked at her in surprise when she realized she was being serious, ‘Really? Why not?”
“He’s my boss, we can’t let things go too far…” Samantha replied.
“And spanking your bare bottom isn’t going too far?” Olivia whispered.
Samantha licked her lips, not sure what to reply.
“I saw you just now over his lap, saw how you reacted, not just to your spanking, but to his touch. You can’t tell me you don’t want it.” Olivia continued.
Samantha bit her lips. Their boss was sitting right beside them, still transfixed on the show in front of them. They were whispering, but he might be listening. “I don’t know,” she replied.
Olivia shrugged. “Well it’s your choice, but I don’t understand why you’d deny yourself that pleasure.”
Samantha blushed, looking away from her colleague. What would happen, she wondered, if she did not get off her boss’ lap after he’d spanked her. Would his hands keep going, keep exploring? His fingers reaching for her pussy, discovering how wet she is, how hot as those fingers slide inside of her, throbbing with excitement. Would he make her squeal with excitement and arousal just as he’d made her squeal with pain before? If so, why was she denying herself that pleasure?
These thoughts not only made her a squirming ball of arousal, it had also distracted her from what was going on in front of her. Alex had finally gotten off Erica’s lap and retaken her place beside her on the couch. Erica in the meantime had dragged a second chair in place, she and Jonathan now sat face to face in front of them, knees interlocked. Olivia stood nervously beside them.
“As you might’ve guessed by now, Olivia,” their boss was saying, “Since you placed last today, you will be spanked by both Erica and me, at the same time.”
Samantha forgot those thoughts for a moment and looked up in interest at this development.
Olivia walked around the pair, so that she could bend over their laps.
“Wait, one moment,” Erica suddenly said, “Samantha, I have one last reward for you because you won today’s activities. You may choose whether Olivia should bend over our laps facing the audience, or facing away.”
Samantha blushed. When she and Alex had received their punishment they’d been positioned sideways, but because of the way Jonathan and Erica were sitting, they would either get a direct view of Olivia’s face or her bottom.
Olivia had already walked around so that she would be facing her and Alex, once she was down across their laps. That would seemingly be her preferred position. A small spark of revenge however touched Samantha’s thoughts, after Olivia had made her blush and question her relationship with their boss. “I’d like for her to be facing away,” she replied.
An immediate blush appeared on Olivia’s face, but she obediently followed Erica’s command to move to the other side.
“Panties down, please,” and Olivia was made to pull down her own panties before bending over the two sets of knees.
Samantha looked on in satisfaction as the woman’s bottom was bared and she and Alex got a good, direct view of their colleague’s bare behind as she bent over.
Then her punishment began.
Olivia squealed as two hands landed across her backside at the same time. Jonathan and Erica kept perfect pace with each-other, making Olivia’s buttocks bounce from the impact.
For a moment Samantha wished she could see the woman’s face as she squealed and moaned. But the view from behind was magnificent as well, the rippling flesh, the bright red coloring of her skin, her bouncing backside, her legs that were raised high in the air as she was kicking and squirming.
Sixty-two swats, Samantha remembered, and when Erica and her boss quickly passed by thirty, she realized they weren’t going to divide those swats between them, but rather give her all sixty-two each. Effectively doubling her punishment.
Olivia squealed and groaned as the swats rained down across her backside relentlessly.
Samantha noticed Alex clasping her own bottom as she watched and she couldn’t help but do the same herself, now happy that she hadn’t finished last in these games.
The squeals of Olivia reached a crescendo as they neared the end. Her bottom was bright red and trembling. Until finally, still in perfect harmony, Jonathan and Erica landed the final, thudding swat across her backside.
There was a short silence, only filled by Olivia’s labored breathing as two heavy hands lay on her sore, throbbing backside.
Then, two hands began to gently caress those trembling red buttocks. For a moment Samantha felt jealous, for after the doubled punishment, Olivia also received double the soothing, caressing touch.
“Do you and Jonathan ever do more than just spanking?” she whispered to Alex.
“What do you mean, exactly?” the other woman asked.
“You know, after he’s spanked you, does he do more than just gently rub away some of the pain?” she asked.
Samantha could see Alex’ blush. “No, do you?” the woman asked.
“No,” Samantha replied, “Olivia asked me first, she doesn’t understand why we wouldn’t.”
Alex giggled, “well, it’s because…” she blushed, “because…”
“It’s not sex if it’s just spanking, right?” Samantha replied.
“Exactly!” Alex replied.
A short silence followed and the two women blushed deeply as Olivia’s moans and giggles of pleasure deepened.
“Does it matter if I think I’ve never had sex as good as what we did here today?” Alex asked.
Samantha blushed, she’d been thinking the same.
When Olivia’s moans turned into squeals and grunts of pleasure, the two women were once again distracted. Their blushes deepened as they saw their boss’ hand, not only caressing her thighs, but his fingers slipping in and out of her pussy. Erica had gone from softly stroking to firm squeezes and even some soft pets and spanks as Jonathan fucked the woman with her fingers.
Samantha could not look away, she had not expected to be witness to something like this today. This should feel wrong, Jonathan was their boss, but all she could think was: I want that too. She’d been submitting to Jonathan for two years now, yet somehow Olivia, who was new to the company, had to show her it was okay to enjoy these things and not be bothered by some self-imposed rules.
Olivia’s squeal as she reached an orgasm filled the room and Samantha embarrassingly looked away.
Alex was looking straight at her. “Perhaps she’s right,” she whispered.
Samantha licked her lips, “I think she is.”


The three colleagues stood side by side as Erica was putting away the chairs. Olivia was still rubbing her sore backside, blushing but apparently not embarrassed by what had just transpired, she hadn’t even pulled her panties back up.
“Well, I hope you’ve all learned a valuable lesson today,” Jonathan said.
The three women nodded. “Yes, sir,” Alex replied, though the lesson she and Samantha had learned probably wasn’t the one he had expected.
“You can get dressed now and I will drive you back to the office,” he continued.
After picking up her clothes and putting them back on, Samantha quickly made her way to Erica. She wanted to talk to her before they left.
“Hey,” Erica greeted her, “I hope you had a great time today, I’m sure I did.”
“I had a great time,” Samantha replied, slightly nervous, “I hope you’re not upset that I chose Jonathan for my final spanking though.”
Erica laughed, “Oh no, not at all. He is your boss after all, choosing him was the right call I think. You definitely made him happy, I’m sure.”
Samantha bit her lower lip, “Yeah, I guess, though part of me does think I missed out on a unique opportunity.”
Erica grinned, “wait, one moment.”
She disappeared for a moment and returned with the long coat she’d been wearing earlier that day draped over her arm. From inside one of its pockets she pulled a small white card with just a phone number printed on it. “Take this,” she said, “in case you want to visit and find out what you missed out on.”
Samantha blushed and shyly accepted the card.
“Here, take these for your friends as well, they might be interested as well,” the dominatrix continued, handing her two more cards.
Samantha licked her lips, “do you, do you charge for these visits?”
Erica grinned and then winked at her, “not for friends.”
With a blush Samantha joined her colleagues and handed them each a card before they followed Jonathan to the front door.
Erica waved them goodbye, standing in her front-door opening still wearing her revealing dominatrix outfit. While the three of them got back into the back seat of Jonathan’s car.
“Well?” Jonathan asked as they were driving away.
“Thank you, Sir,” Samantha replied, “For this opportunity to make up for missing the initial activities.”
“Yes, thank you,” the others repeated.
“You’re welcome,” Jonathan replied, “I hope that means next time you three will be present on our mandatory team activities?”
A short silence followed.
“Actually,” Alex replied, “I think today’s activities were more bonding than any standard team-building day I’ve ever done.”
Jonathan laughed, “Is that so, do you two agree, Olivia, Samantha?”
“Yes, Sir,” The two women replied.
“So next time I should take the entire team to meet Erica?” Jonathan asked.
The three women giggled.
“I’m not sure everyone would find it equally fun to participate, Sir,” Olivia replied.
“Well, I guess that those who don’t want to participate can just watch…” Jonathan teased.
The three women blushed.
“Perhaps we could come to a normal team-building event after all, Sir.” Samantha replied.
Jonathan laughed, “Don’t worry, I’m only teasing. But… Knowing the three of you, I’ll make sure Erica has some free time available in case you girls don’t show up to the next event after all…”

The rest of the ride was rather silent as all three women in the backseat reminisced on what had happened that day. When they finally got to the office, they hugged each-other goodbye before thanking their boss one last time for their well-deserved discipline.
“Would it be okay, Sir, Samantha asked, if next time I remain across your lap just a bit longer?”
Jonathan looked surprised, but then smiled, “Of course, you can take all the time you need.”
Samantha blushed and bit her lips. “It’s just, I was quite jealous seeing Olivia across your lap, enjoying so much of your attention, while I was the one who had the best score…”
Her boss grinned. “I knew she’d be a good influence on you when I hired her.”
Samantha’s blush immediately deepened. That’s not why he’d hired her, had he?
“I’ll make sure next time you get all the attention you want,” her boss finished with a wink.
Samantha nodded, licked her lips and then quickly returned to her car. One last time she looked over shoulder, seeing Alex talking to their boss, from the blush on her face she wondered whether she was having a similar conversation.


The end

Story related art

Three naughty employees arriving at the office for their punishment A strict boss, ready to discipline their employees A hot dominatrix

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