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The naughty naked art model

drawing of a woman posing for art

The sound of brushes, pencils and charcoal filled the otherwise silent room. For a second, Sam imagined they were touching her, following the curves of her naked skin instead of the canvas they left their mark on. Ticklish as she was, she shivered at the thought. Goose bumps stood out on her flesh despite the heat of the room, warmer than usual for her comfort. Over a dozen pairs of eyes measured her curves, translating every inch of her bare, naked skin to lines and colours on a piece of canvas. The room was divided quite evenly between men and women and while they all had acted quite professionally, the smiles on the men’s faces had betrayed their joy at today’s art class subject.
The art teacher himself, James, was a close friend of Sam. Just a week ago they had been talking about his work. Sam had asked him then if he ever used nude models in his class. The subject was of interest to her, because despite her fantasies of exhibitionism and public nudity, she had always been too shy to actually expose herself in public. Sam was a frequent visitor of public pools, sunny beaches, and mixed sauna’s, any place where she could indulge her fantasy in a safe and socially accepted setting. Nude modelling seemed like one of these, but instead of indulging the casual glances and secret stares; she’d be the centre of attention. In fact, she’d be the only naked person in the room; it would be a lot closer to her actual fantasies.
James had told her then, that it wasn’t nearly as sexy or exotic as popular media made you believe. He did use nude models in his advanced classes; but he always had trouble finding willing participants. Often the models he did find were women – or men – with low self-esteem. They longed for confirmation, positive feedback on their body. While many of them were far from ugly, the silent concentration in the room made them unsure of their attractiveness and made for poor body language and poor modelling.
Sam had none of these problems. She was proud of her body and willing to show it off. She had gladly offered Sam to model for his class. She showed his students her smile, her perfect hourglass figure, her full breasts, and her round bottom. Not only her own heart beat at an increased rate that day.

When the class was over and the students had left, Sam got dressed while James cleared away the mess some of his students had left behind. “Did I do good?” She asked him.
“You were perfect.” James complimented her. “I was itching to … to pick up a pen myself.” Sam smiled broadly, imagining what he had wanted to say before correcting himself. “I told you all our models are volunteers and don’t get paid.” Her friend said after she had pulled her dress over her head and smoothed it over her hips. “But we usually offer them a gift for their trouble. Is there anything you’d like?” He asked. “I’ll probably be able to pull some strings, so I can bribe you to come model more often.”
Sam pretended to think as she bent over to put on her shoes. She had already thought of asking a favour in return for her work. “Well, I’ve always wanted a large nude painting of myself to hang in my bedroom.” She said with a cheeky grin.
James raised an eyebrow and asked: “Why in your bedroom? Why not just put it in your living room, or the kitchen maybe? Anyway, I can’t give you any of the student’s work.”
Sam laughed. “I could put it in my living room.” She said. “But I’d have to hide it every time my parents came to visit. So, does that mean you’ll have to … pick up a pen yourself?”
“I could.” James answered her. “Are you free this Saturday? You could come to my place and do some private modelling. I’ll make you a painting you’d be proud to show off, even to your parents.”

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