The Master

The Master

Hello everyone

This post is at the same time a bit of an update and an announcement for a new game.

Let’s start with the update:
Near the end of Februari, my wife gave birth to a son, our second child. I now have a 3yo girl and a 3mo boy.
During this corona lockdown period I’m also working from home while our little girl can’t go to school. So you can imagine I’ve been a tad too busy to write new stories. My “ideas”-list is getting longer and longer however.

Now onto the announcement:
I have had a bit of free time despite what I said earlier in this post, and have been using that to teach myself app-development (for android).
Inspired by the corona lockdown I developed my first app for all of you who are quarantined at home and unable to visit your masters/mistresses.

The app can take over some of the tasks your Master would normally fulfil.
– You can ask it for permission to do what you want.
– You can ask its opinion on anything you want.
– You can confess your misbehaviour and it will guide you through a self-spanking.
– You can confess your arousal and it will guide you as you pleasure yourself.
– You can ask it for advice when you’re bored.
– You can ask it for advice when you’re procrastinating.

The app will make its decisions mostly randomly, but it does weigh in certain factors:
– You will be more likely to receive a positive answer if you’ve gotten a negative answer to previous requests.
– Your self-spankings and pleasuring sessions will be more or less intense based on your previous behaviour.
– Your self-spankings will also be more or less intense based on how long it’s been since your last session.
– You can set a few variables concerning your personality and your Masters personality to make these sessions again more or less intense.
– The app will know when you end a self-spanking prematurely and adjust your behaviour-score accordingly.

In the end, the app is a game of course.
You shouldn’t take it too serious, it’s not trying to replace an actual Master. Despite the factors it takes into account, the results are still random and not something you should use for actual important decisions.
But if you like the idea of an app that tells you whether you can have that last piece of chocolate … and then commands you to spank yourself after you confess you ate it anyway … then download it and give it a try.

Some trivia:
– The app is completely free, no in-game purchases, no advertisements.
– The app requires no internet, once you’ve downloaded it, it won’t make any connections.
– The app requires no special permissions and all information is stored locally on your phone, for complete privacy.
– There are gender settings for you as well as your Master/Mistress.
– The app contains no images, it’s themed black with white text and buttons, making it seem completely innocuous. (the M icon with the riding crop as seen above is the only exception, I couldn’t help myself 😉 )
– It’s an android app, it will be a while before I fully master developing apps for android, before I can start learning about iOS, so my apologies for apple-users, but you’re going to have to wait quite a bit if you want this app too.
– This is my first, fully-completed app, I never wrote code in this language before, so you might find some bugs. (please let me know)
– The app is not available in the app store, you can only download it here or through my website. Publishing an app in the store costs money, and I’m not willing to pay that fee until I’m sure there is enough interest to justify the extra cost.
– If you download the app, your phone might complain that it has not been downloaded through an official channel. You will have to give your browser permission to download. Once downloaded, you can turn that off again. You will get a similar message while installing the app.
– You can post any feedback, bug-reports or questions in the comments or email them to me at

You can download the app here.

5 responses to “The Master”

  1. sixth says:

    Would love the IOS or web-based version!

    • kcperrin says:

      Hmm, a web-based version might not be a bad idea. An IOS version will be the first app I make when I learn how to make IOS apps. (which I have no plans for yet)

  2. Andy says:

    Why won’t it download on my iPhone?

    • kcperrin says:

      Hey Andy,
      unfortunately the app is only available for android right now, I haven’t learned programming for iOS yet.

  3. Alex says:

    What is the difference between ‘I’m playful’ and ‘I’m serious’? How will this affect punishments/pleasures/advices?

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