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drawing of a woman spanked otk

Her dark fantasies

It was a cold and dark night; clouds obscured the moon and stars, leaving the streets in total darkness. Emily was on her way home from visiting her friend. She was late. It was a work night, which meant she would have to get up early the next day. The rules stated that she must […]

Her dark fantasies
drawing of a woman kneeling on a bed

Showing off her red bottom

The air was hot and the sheets were plastered to her skin as Sophia woke in a stranger’s hotel room. It was still early and Michael was still asleep beside her. Unashamed, Sophia threw aside the sheets and made her way – still fully naked after last night’s adventure – to the small bathroom. It […]

Showing off her red bottom
drawing of a woman spanked across a desk

Teasing her co-workers

Her high heels echoed through the corridor as Emily made her way to the office from the changing rooms. Last week, she’d spent an embarrassing few moments there, realizing she’d forgotten a spare set of trousers. The one she’d worn, wet with the rain, she’d given to the cleaning lady to be dried. Now, Emily […]

Teasing her co-workers
drawing of a woman spanked otk

Her boss’ friend

Sophie could hear the sound of a young couple inside the changing room: the sound of light swats and giggling. With the lesson her boss had taught her just a few days ago still fresh in her mind, she suppressed the urge to peek on them. The changing room was placed in the basement of […]

Her boss’ friend
drawing of a woman spanked otk

Dating a gentleman

It’s been a little over a week since Sam discovered Mike’s website and his stories. After reading that first one that seemed to have been inspired by her, she read many more. Each one resulted in the same warm, overwhelming ecstasy as she could not stop herself from masturbating to Mike’s kinky, well-written fantasies. Sam […]

Dating a gentleman
drawing of a woman spanked across a table

The innocent woman

With a tray of sandwiches and a hot cup of coffee, Linda entered the building where her husband works. A couple of his co-workers know her, as she’s been there before, even though she works in a different building herself. She wonders if any of them had heard what had happened the day before in […]

The innocent woman
drawing of a woman spanked over a desk

The complaints department

The hallway outside the office was empty except for Maria. As head of the complaints department, she made sure of the privacy of her officers. Where she was standing, about two steps from the door, she could hear the sounds of spanking and a girl squealing inside. From the dozen officers that worked under her, […]

The complaints department
drawing of a woman spanked otk

The cheating secretary

Linda arrived home late after her day off, her husband John was already back from work and waiting for her in the living room sofa. She no longer felt the effects of her spanking earlier that day, but still remembered it vividly. She dropped next to her husband in the sofa, nearly on top of […]

The cheating secretary
drawing of a woman spanked otk

The delivery girl is late

‘Delivery within 30 minutes or you spank our delivery girl.’ Mike traced the text on the pizza box with a finger and imagined if anyone ever got to spank one of those girls. Probably not, he thought. It was just a sales tactic after all. He had discovered the pizza company online about two months […]

The delivery girl is late