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The complaints department

drawing of a woman spanked over a desk

This story is part of a series.

Part 1 Part 2

The hallway outside the office was empty except for Maria. As head of the complaints department, she made sure of the privacy of her officers. Where she was standing, about two steps from the door, she could hear the sounds of spanking and a girl squealing inside. From the dozen officers that worked under her, only two knew about the activities that sometimes went on in that room, one of those girls was inside now. Sophie hadn’t done anything wrong of course. A young officer had used excessive force during an arrest and it was the complaints department’s job to make these things go away without too much fuss.
Unable to contain her curiosity, Maria stepped towards the door and looked inside through the small window at the top. Sophie was bent over the desk naked from the waist down, her bright red bottom pointing at the door. The man whose complaint she was dealing with, was whipping her with her own belt. Maria winced as she heard the girl whimpering. She was glad it wasn’t her bending over that desk. Most complaints like this her girls could handle, only for something big did the head of the complaints department bend over herself.

Maria felt she had changed a lot in the last month. She could still remember that first spanking while she was patrolling the streets. Funny how that had been a career-making move. As head of the complaints department, she had learned a lot about the task-force. Every rookie mistake, every inappropriate action was brought before her. Most of the time she managed to deal with it quietly. Tickets were shredded, files deleted, apologies written. The spankings were captain Reynolds’ idea; she’d gotten the first one herself when she was just a mere officer. It had been her own idea to include more girls wishing to earn a little extra. She had more ideas like that since working here. There was a surprisingly large demand for police-uniforms – people liked roleplaying – and an equally large supply of old uniforms she could give away. It wasn’t enough to stifle a complaint of course, but very few people did not appreciate a small gift after their complaint had been dealt with.

The spankings were the most successful of course. The hardest part was deciding when the person filing a complaint would be interested in such an arrangement. The one she was looking at now hadn’t been hard. The man who had been whipping Sophie – he had now stopped, Sophie was standing in the corner – ran an online spanking blog.
As the spanking seemed over, Maria knocked at the door and entered without waiting for a response. The man turned to look at her, Sophie didn’t move from her spot in the corner. “I hope everything has been satisfactory, Mr. Peeters?” She asked.
“Wonderfully so.” The man replied. “I wish I’d known before how you dealt with complaints in here.” He was grinning broadly.
“I assume you’ll wish to drop your complaint then.” Maria said, it wasn’t a question. “The paperwork is in my office. Do you know the way?”
The man nodded. “I’ll wait for you there.” He said, leaving her alone with Sophie.
“Are you okay?” Maria asked after he left.
Sophia hesitantly left her spot in the corner. Tears had run down her cheeks, leaving tracks of her make-up. “Yes ma-am.” She said.
Maria smiled at the girl. “Take your time to clean yourself up. After that you can take the rest of the day off. I’ll make sure that the paper-work gets filed and you receive your extra payment. I’ll see you again tomorrow.”
“Yes ma-am.” Sophie said. She was already getting dressed again.
Maria smiled. Sophie could take a good spanking, Maria didn’t know what experience she’d had with it in her past, but she’d figured out what Maria and the other girl had been doing by herself and had requested to be part of this agreement.

4 responses to “The complaints department”

  1. Lee says:

    My kind of public relations…should be used in ALL complaint departments with CUTE female staff

  2. Kent Adams says:

    Will you be doing another part of this story? It’s definitely the best series.

    • kcperrin says:

      I don’t really want to do more than three parts of a series, to make sure I come up with new things and not become boring. 😉

      I also have so many ideas lined up, for which I have to find time to write them, that this would be at the bottom of the list.

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