Public reading

drawing of a woman spanked otk

Sophie tried to gasp for air, breathing heavily through her nose as her lips wouldn’t part any further. The dull ache in her knees was but a faint distraction as she knelt on the hard wooden floor; more prevalent was the sharp pain at the back of her neck where Gregory had grabbed a fistful of her hair. His strong, firm grip held her head in place, though he did not need to pull or push, Sophie eagerly performed her duties this evening; yet she appreciated his hand’s presence there for it also kept her hair out of her face.
A shiver of excitement ran through Sophie’s body when she heard Gregory grunt. I did that, she thought proudly as she heard the otherwise silent man’s deep moans. She could feel his heartbeat quicken against the roof of her mouth as she sucked on his cock.
Eagerly Sophie continued, taking him in as deep as she could without gagging, Gregory’s hard, large erection spreading her jaws open. She could feel him shaking slightly, his body tensing up and then, suddenly, his juices filled her mouth. She swallowed happily, sucking out every last drop whilst reveling in his uncontrolled grunting and moaning.
The hand at the back of her head relaxed, and then released its grip completely. Sophie looked up at her man, eyes shining bright through her eyelashes. She noticed his hand now planted firmly against the wall as if he needed it to keep himself steady, he seemed out of breath.
A cheeky remark bubbled to the surface of her mind as Sophie saw him like that, proud that her efforts had such an effect on him. But she ignored it, instead she just smiled and said: “Thank you, Master.”

“Excuse me.” A warm, deep voice suddenly interrupted Anna.
She looked up in surprise, a deep blush quickly filling her cheeks as she hid the book she’d been reading between her thighs.
“Excuse me.” The man in front of her repeated. “Are you from around here?”
Anna looked left to right, as to remind herself where ‘here’ was. She was seated on a bench in a small local park. She then took a quick look at the man in front of her before replying. He seemed young, perhaps slightly older than herself, he had a large suitcase on wheels and wore casual, clean clothes. Confident that he was just a tourist and not some pervert or beggar, she replied: “Yeah, I live near here.”
“I’m looking for the Eagle Inn Hotel.” The man said. “Do you know where it is? The app on my phone just makes me go in circles.”
Anna knew it, a small hotel just a few blocks from here. As she began to formulate in her mind the best route to get there, she tried to casually slip the book she’d been reading into her purse. “It’s not far.” She replied. “Though I get why you might’ve missed it. You need to go back that way, then take the third street on your left, then the second on your left again and then go right at the stoplights… Or was it at the second stoplights?” She hesitated for a moment.
The man waited patiently as she tried to remember the exact number of streets. Yet as she was wondering which stoplight he should turn at, she was suddenly unsure whether there was perhaps another turn before that which she’d forgotten.
“You know what.” She said. “I can show you, I have to head in that direction anyway.”
The man smiled broadly. “That would be great.” He replied. “Though I don’t want to be too much of a bother.”
“No bother at all.” Anna replied as she stood up from the bench. “Like I said, I’m heading in that direction anyway. Follow me.”
“I hope I didn’t interrupt your reading.” The man said as he followed her down the path that lead them out of the park.
Anna blushed again, reminded of the hot, steamy scene she’d been so engrossed in that she hadn’t even heard him approach. “No, I was at the end of the chapter anyway.” She lied.
The man nodded. “Was it any good?” He asked. “The book, I mean.”
Anna’s blush deepened slightly. She felt for a moment that he was teasing her. Then she shook her head, no, he was just making small-talk as they were two strangers walking together. “Yeah, it’s very good. Anyway, what brings you to my small town?” She replied to stop him from asking what the book was about. “Business or pleasure?”
“Business, I’m afraid.” The man replied. “There’s a conference in town, I’ll be here for just three days.”
Anna smiled, a bit more relaxed now that the conversation had reached a safer topic. “No time for sight-seeing then?” She asked.
“Well, I should have some time in the evenings, so I could spend some time looking around.” He smiled. “What would you suggest I’d spend it on?”
Anna hesitated for a moment. “Well, there’s the shopping district, or if you’re more into historical sights the war memorials. There’s also the theater, though I don’t know which shows they’re performing currently.”
“So, the standard tourist activities you can find in most cities, then.” The man replied.
Anna shrugged. “Well there are more interesting or beautiful spots hidden around town, but you probably wouldn’t find them unless you know a local to show you around.”
The man grinned. “Are you volunteering perhaps?”
Anna looked up at him in surprise. Her first instinct was to tell him she was busy, though she really wasn’t. When she took a moment to think about it, she realized it might be fun, showing him around. He was polite, friendly, and not unimportantly quite handsome. And he was also in town for just three days, not long enough for her to get into any trouble. “What’s your name?” She asked.
“Eric.” The man replied.
“I’d love to show you around, Eric.” She said. “I’m Anna.”
“Nice to meet you Anna.” Eric replied. “I’m looking forward to discovering this city’s hidden marvels with your help.”
Anna grinned. “I’ll do my best not to disappoint.”
Their conversation dwindled to an end as they reached the hotel Eric had been looking for – Anna silently congratulated herself on getting the directions right the first time – the small building was wedged in between two residential flats and had just a small sign out front. It was very easy to miss, as Eric had experienced. “Here it is.” Anna announced.
“Thank you very much.” Eric replied. “So… Could I have your number perhaps, so that we can meet up and you might show me around?”
Anna blushed slightly, but accepted his phone so she could enter her number into his contacts. “What would you be interested in seeing first?” She asked.
Eric smiled. “Well, I haven’t eaten yet since I got off the plane. I’m sure you know the best restaurants nearby. You pick one, I’ll pay for the both of us.”
Anna licked her lips, this sounded more like a date than a tour, but she liked his forwardness. “I think I know a place.” She replied.
The man nodded. “Well, I have to check in and unpack, and I’m sure you have stuff to do as well. Meet back here in a couple of hours?”
“Sure.” Anna replied with a smile. “Let’s say seven pm.”
Eric nodded again and then waved her goodbye as he entered the hotel lobby.
Anna turned around to continue her walk home. She was feeling rather excited and she wasn’t sure it was because of her unexpected plans for the evening, or because of the book she’d been reading not that long ago. With a slight blush she realized it might’ve been the book that had put her into such a mood in which she’d so eagerly accepted to go out with a stranger she’d just met.

Back home, Anna took the book out of her purse and hid it in the drawer of her night-stand. Her plans for this evening – after enjoying the sun and reading in the park – had been to take a hot shower and snuggle up in bed and finish the book.
Now that those plans had changed, the book was forgotten and instead of warm, comfortable pajamas, she picked out something to go out with. She didn’t want this to seem too much like a date, but she also didn’t want Eric to think she wasn’t interested at all, so she went back and forth several times between choosing something casual or sexy. Eventually Anna settled on a simple black dress, it was short, but acceptably so in this warm summer weather. She picked out some stockings, but ultimately decided not to wear them, thinking they were too sexy. Underneath her dress she wore a sexy set of black lace lingerie, she blushed as she pulled them on, the only reason Eric might see these was if the night went really well, but she would be lying to herself if she’d deny this as a possibility.
With nothing else to do – she’d only stopped her reading short to help out and had no other plans until she’d meet up with Eric again – Anna sat down on her bed and picked up her book to finish the chapter she’d been reading.

Shortly before seven, Anna returned to the hotel. When she entered the lobby, she noticed Eric was already waiting for her. He smiled broadly when he noticed her arrival.
“Ready to go?” She asked.
“Lead the way.” Eric replied with a smile.
As they walked in a comfortable silence, Anna wondered whether she ought to tell him about the sights they might see. She was supposedly showing him around town after all. This was a more residential area however and there wasn’t really much to see. Luckily the place she’d picked wasn’t far. It was a small local restaurant she visited regularly and they arrived there before the silence could grow too long.
“Here we are.” Anna announced as she pushed open the door. Eric followed her inside and they were quickly approached by a waiter who showed them a table for two and offered a pair of menu’s.
Eric looked around with a smile as they sat down at their table. “This place looks great.” He said. “What kind of food do they serve?”
“Mostly local specialties.” Anna replied. It was one of the reasons she’d chosen this place.
As Eric read through the menu, Anna looked around – she already knew what she wanted – she came here often with her friends, and never considered this place to be specifically romantic; yet with the dim light, soft music and candles at very table she felt a very different atmosphere than she usually experienced. She realized that with other company, this place could feel very different. She blushed slightly as she wondered what Eric might think of the place she’d chosen and what he might think of her intentions.
“Is this any good?” Eric asked, pointing down at the menu in front of him.
“Yeah, I think so.” Anna replied.
Eric smiled broadly. “Great, I’ll take that then.”
Anna licked her lips. “So, what do you do for a living?” She asked. “You said you were here for a conference?”
Eric nodded and began to tell her about his work. He was a good talker and a good listener as well when Anna told him about herself in turn. He never mentioned the seemingly romantic ambience of the restaurant she’d picked and Anna began to believe she was just projecting her own feelings onto her surroundings. Perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea to continue reading that book right before she was about to go out.
They ordered their food and ate while they continued their conversation. Just as Anna was beginning to think that she was only imagining this faint feeling of attraction between the two of them, did the conversation turn to a more intimate subject. “So tell me, what were you reading in the park when we met?”
Anna blushed slightly. “Oh, just a novel.” She replied. “Fiction.”
“I think I recognized the author’s name when you closed the book. K.C. Perrin wasn’t it? Do you read a lot of his work?” Eric asked.
Anna’s blush deepened. “I’ve read a few of his books.” She replied truthfully.
Eric smiled broadly. “I love his work, I’ve read quite a few of them myself.”
Anna nervously licked her lips. If he’d read them himself, he knew exactly what kind of books they were. The author specialized in smutty, erotic literature with a special focus on BDSM and spanking specifically.
They were suddenly interrupted by the waiter clearing away their empty plates and Anna asked him for another drink to give herself some time to think.
“We can talk about something else if you want.” Eric said when she didn’t immediately reply.
“No, I don’t mind.” Anna replied after a moment. She couldn’t help but feel a little excited that he knew. She’d also never had the opportunity to discuss these stories with anyone and Eric would only be in town for a couple of days. He’d be a perfect, safe conversation partner.
“Which book were you reading?” Eric asked.
“The gentleman’s rules.” Anna whispered the title.
Eric smiled broadly. “Oh that’s the newest, isn’t it? I read it a couple of weeks ago.”
Anna nodded, blushing deeply to hear him admit so openly to reading this kind of book, and knowing that she too was into it.
“I really liked that one.” Eric said. “Especially how Sophie evolves as the story progresses, but I probably shouldn’t say, no spoilers.”
Anna nodded again. “Yeah, I’m only halfway through.”
“You know, on first glance you don’t seem like the kind of girl who’d be interested in this kind of literature.” Eric said, his voice now with an obvious teasing tone.
“Why not?” Anna asked, almost defensively.
“Well as far as I can see you’re helpful, polite, friendly, quite different from the protagonist of this book. Sophie is more of a rebel, a brat, in the beginning at least.” Eric replied.
Anna shrugged. “Maybe I just like reading about such things.”
Eric smiled. “Though now that I think about it, you were reading this book in the park when we met. Reading such a naughty, smutty book in such a public place seems highly inappropriate.”
Anna blushed slightly. “No-one noticed.” She replied.
“I noticed.” Eric replied with a grin. “What do you think Gregory would’ve done if he caught Sophie reading that book in such a public setting?”
Anna’s blush deepened. “He’d probably take her home and give her a firm spanking.” She replied excitedly.
Eric leaned forward over the table, their voices had quieted down to a whisper during their last part of this conversation. “From what I’ve heard about you so far Sophie, you don’t have a boyfriend to take you home and put you over their knee when you behave so inappropriately.” It was phrased as a fact, but sounded like a question.
Anna nodded. “I don’t.” She confirmed.
“Then perhaps I should take you back to my hotel-room and deal with your naughty behavior myself.” Eric said. The tone of his voice was just enough to make it sound like either a joke, or a suggestion depending on how she’d chose to answer.
Anna’s heart was racing. “I guess that’s what I would deserve, isn’t it?” She replied.
Eric grinned. “You do.” He replied.
Anna raised her glass and finished her drink. “I’ve suddenly lost my desire for dessert.” She said, feeling the butterflies in her stomach. “Do you want to head back to the hotel?”
Eric nodded. “Yes, let’s leave.” He raised his hand to summon the waiter for the bill and moments later they were headed outside.

Anna was filled with nervousness during their walk back, she could feel it as a tingling sensation that clung to her skin, enveloping her entire body. She hadn’t agreed to anything yet, except that she might deserve to be spanked, but not that she would be. Yet she knew, that when they arrived and Eric asked her to join him in his room, she’d agree without hesitation.
They arrived at the hotel quickly and Anna felt that the walk back had been much shorter than earlier that night. Eric pushed open the door to the lobby and held it for her.
Anna blushed. He didn’t even ask her if she wanted to come in. He just assumed. But then again, back at the restaurant he’d said he would take her with him to deal with her behavior. It seemed like the decision had already been made.
She could just turn around and leave, but Anna didn’t of course. She eagerly passed through the doorway, the tingling sensation in her body increasing tenfold and focussing primarily on her backside as she passed within arm’s reach of Eric.
They passed silently through the lobby, into the elevator and up to his room. Anna had already forgotten their short conversation on the walk back, she could now only think about what was about to happen.
The room was small, with just a bed, a dresser and a small, separate bathroom. Eric was only using it for a few nights while he was here for a conference after all. With just the bed as a place to sit, Eric sat down on the edge and motioned Anna to sit next to him.
“I had a great evening today, Anna.” He said. “I want to thank you for helping me out earlier today and showing me around town.”
Anna blushed. “You’re welcome.” She replied.
“But we should also discuss your behavior I witnessed earlier today. You might seem helpful and polite and overall very well behaved, but it seems deep down you rather desire to be naughty instead.” Eric continued.
Anna licked her lips. “I don’t really want to be naughty.” She replied.
“No?” Eric asked. “Do you really only want to read about it? Or were you secretly hoping to get caught, hoping that someone might find out that deep down you’re a naughty girl?”
Anna blushed. Perhaps he was right, perhaps she hadn’t chosen to read in the park just because of the sunny weather. “I guess, maybe…” She replied.
“Well, whether you intended to be caught or not, the fact remains that your behavior was very inappropriate.” Eric continued. “And you seemed to agree with me that such behavior deserves a good, firm spanking in response.”
Anna bit her lip. “I do.” She replied.
“Well then.” Eric said. “It’s about time you get across my knee, so I can deal with that naughty backside of yours.”
Anna bit her lip harder, suppressing a moan of excitement as she placed herself across Eric’s lap on the bed.

Anna moaned softly when Eric raised the back of her short black dress, revealing the sexy black lingerie underneath. She licked her lips as he placed his hand on her bottom, skin-to-skin as the skimpy underwear covered very little of her backside.
Eric raised his hand and landed a gentle swat on her backside. “Ready, Anna?” He asked.
“Yes, Sir.” Anna replied. She used the honorific without second thought, she’d read enough stories so that it came naturally to her.
The next swat was firmer and sent a tingling, stinging sensation through her backside. It was quickly followed by another and another. Anna closed her eyes and focused solely on the glowing sensation in her backside, the slowly building stinging warmth, the arousing experience of being spanked, punished, out of control…
The sound of Eric’s hand connecting with her backside echoed in the small hotel-room; it was accompanied by her low, excited moans. While the tone of those smacks became louder as each new swat was firmer and harder, so did Anna’s moans as well, louder and deeper, as the stinging became hotter and the pain delved deeper.
Anna moaned deeply when Eric paused for a moment, letting his hand rest on her simmering, red buttocks. “Is this what you wanted Anna?” He asked. “To be punished like a naughty girl?”
Anna blushed red, she was still deeply aroused, experiencing this secret erotic fantasy, in this precarious position bent over a stranger’s knee, fully under his control. His hand felt firm on her soft, sensitive, stinging backside, but it was the intimacy of his touch, his hand on her bare skin, that aroused her the most. There was no point in denying it of course, this was exactly what she’d so often fantasized about, when she read those books. “Yes, Sir.” She replied.
“Let’s make sure you get what you deserve then.” Eric replied. But before he raised his hand again, he grabbed her panties and pulled them down quickly, baring her backside completely and revealing her hot and swollen pussy, wet with excitement.
Anna bit her lip. She didn’t protest even though those sexy panties did nothing to protect her backside. She’d read enough stories to know that a real spanking was administered on a bare bottom. The embarrassing fact that this might also reveal exactly how aroused the naughty girl was from being punished – and it did make her blush – was just part of the experience.
Eric then raised his arm again and let his hand rain down on her bottom. Anna moaned and grunted as the pain built in her backside. Her buttocks bounced under the impact of Eric’s palm as she kicked her legs and squirmed on his lap.
Anna squealed as the pain became too much to bear. She wanted to beg him to stop, it hurt too much, but she clenched her jaw, keeping her mouth closed. Why do I want this?! She screamed to herself in her mind as her bottom burned with each swat. She struggled, literally and figuratively as she squirmed and buckled over Eric’s lap.
Then Eric paused again, his hand gently stroking her backside. Anna’s arousal fired up instantly as the pain slowly subsided. This is why, she realized, this is why she wanted it. This indescribably level of arousal, the intimacy, this feeling of submission, not knowing whether the next stroke of his hand will deliver pain or comfort.
At some point during Anna’s struggles over Eric’s lap, she’d shifted. She now lay further onto the bed, as if she’d desperately crawled away from his punishing hand. Instead of comfortably laying across his lap she now only straddled his left leg as her upper body rested on the bed. His knee was a big, firm presence between her thighs, she ground up against it as he stroked her stinging backside, blushing deeply as she realized he could see exactly what she was doing: rubbing her hot, swollen pussy against his knee, yet she could not stop herself.
“Are you learning your lesson, young lady?” Eric asked, ignoring her excited squirming.
“Yes, Sir.” Anna moaned. She was, her bottom was on fire, she was learning exactly how much it hurt to be a naughty girl and despite how turned on she was, she also promised herself that she wouldn’t get into trouble like this again. “I won’t do it again, Sir. I promise.” She said.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Eric replied. “Now let’s make sure you won’t forget.”
Anna bit her lip when Eric once again raised his hand. She moaned deeply when it came down, connecting with her already sore backside. Then she squealed when it landed again. Anna howled and struggled as Eric set her bottom on fire once more. He spanked her hard and fast, until she could barely breathe. He brought her just to the cusp of the thought that the pain was not worth it, but with each stroke she also ground down against his leg, her body shivering with excitement as her backside trembled in pain.
“I’ll be a good girl, I promise.” Anna moaned. “I won’t read such inappropriate books in public again.” She squealed. She did not say these things to convince Eric, but because saying them out loud reinforced for herself what a naughty girl she’d been, why exactly she was receiving this punishment, not just because it turned her on, but because she deserved it.
She did not beg him to stop however and her promises did not seem to convince Eric that her punishment should come to an end. His hand kept raining down on her backside and after a few more mumbled apologies, Anna’s responses were muted to deep moans and grunting. Her body was trembling, brought to the brink by Eric’s firm hand and his strong knee between her thighs. Anna squirmed as the ecstasy took over, her body spasming as the orgasm took away all control. She tried to breathe, tried to come back to consciousness, but each swat of Eric’s hand on her backside renewed not just the pain in her buttocks, but also the intensity of her climax, like a series of mini-orgasms, it didn’t end, not until he finally stopped, resting his hand once more on her burning, quivering backside.
Anna rested, breathing deeply, her body limp over Eric’s knee.
“That should do it.” Eric said. “I’m sure that was a lesson you won’t soon forget.”
Anna blushed slightly, she knew this was something she’d never forget. “Thank you, Sir.” She replied.

Eric gently stroked her sore buttocks, knowing that she needed some time to recuperate, he let her lay across his lap. As time passed, the strokes of his hand became more playful, squeezing, prodding, exploring.
Anna moaned softly as her arousal slowly built up once more from the intimate touch of Eric’s hand. Laying across his lap she now realized she could feel his arousal, his hard cock pressed against her thigh. The playful prodding of Eric’s fingers moved slowly down her backside, to her inner thighs and what was inbetween. The subject of his attention and the throbbing sensation of something hard against her upper leg reminded her that while Eric had taken good care of her, she had done nothing yet to repay him.
She had no obligation to do such a thing of course. The case was that he’d brought her to his hotel-room for some well-deserved discipline, nothing else. That wasn’t entirely true obviously, it wasn’t just about punishment, it was about arousal and secret fantasies. Anna didn’t want to just be punished and sent home, she wanted to be submissive, wanted to thank the man who had disciplined her by satisfying his desires, just like the girl in that book she was reading.
Carefully, Anna pushed herself off Eric’s lap. She could feel his hand reluctantly letting her go. “I’d like to thank you, Sir.” She said, kneeling at his feet. “For being so firm and strict with me tonight.”
Eric nodded. “It was my pleasure, Anna.” He licked his lips when she started to undo the buttons of his trousers.
Anna blushed slightly as she revealed his large erection. She’d sucked a man’s cock before, but not on her knees, with the bright red, stinging bottom of a naughty girl who’d just been spanked. It felt different, submissive.
She took him in her mouth, spreading her jaws as far apart as she could. She thought for a moment about Sophie, the girl in the book she’d been reading, the book for which she’d gotten this firm punishment. Sophie had been in this exact position when she and Eric met. She blushed at the thought, but then put all her attention on the man in front of her.
Just one more brief thought flashed through her mind: she was only halfway through the book and Sophie and her master still had many adventures in their future. Eric was only in town for three days, if she was going to be his guide, how often could just get into trouble in such a short time?


The end

This story is part of a series.

Part 2 Part 3

One response to “Public reading”

  1. Philip Kemp says:

    Loved it, KC – one of your best!

    Now if only you could get your punctuation sorted…

    Happy New Year!
    Phil K

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