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The BDSM escape room

drawing of a woman in an escape room

Mia was a girl who liked things kinky and rough. She did not have a boyfriend, but a few play-friends who were more than enough to fulfill her sexual needs.
She’d met most of them online or at a BDSM-party or other gathering. They’d spanked her, tied her up, fucked her, tortured her and pleasured her.
Mia was submissive. She liked serving her friends, obeying their commands and being punished for failing them. She called them Sir, and did whatever they wished of her; for they knew her limits and she knew theirs.
Things had grown stale however. These scenes with her friends were still fun, but no longer original. It was hard to come up with another scenario or another role-play. Most of the time they didn’t even bother.
Online, Mia complained to her submissive friends that she missed the adventure. Now that she had experienced all her fantasies, there was nothing new for her. She missed not knowing what was going to happen, being nervous for a new experience.
This was when one of her friends suggested she contacted James. She did not want to say what was so special about James, but she’d had a great time and she was sure Mia had never experienced anything like what he had to offer before.
Mia contacted a few other friends and they too had heard of this James. He was a well-respected member of the community and everyone that had met him said he was a thrust-worthy person.
Mia sent a short email to this James, explaining she’d heard of him from her friends and wondered what it was he does.
James offered she visit him to find out herself.
Normally, Mia wouldn’t visit someone at their home on their first meeting. She’d prefer somewhere public for safety; but because he had the reassuring approval of multiple of her friends, she made an exception this once.
“It’s a game.” James explained.
Mia had arrived at his house on a Saturday afternoon. James lived in a clean, modern home. He was friendly, charming and quite handsome. Mia still had no clue what he did that her friend found so special, but even then she would not mind getting kinky with him.
“What kind of game?” Mia asked, intrigued.
“You could see it as a sort of test.” James said, not giving away too much. “If you successfully solve the test, you win. If you don’t, you lose.”
Mia bit her lip. She had played many kinky games in the past, not very different from this one she guessed. “So I assume that if I lose I get spanked, but if I win, I get fucked?”
James laughed. “Oh no, nothing quite as simple as that. You will provide me with a list of your limits. When you lose, I can do anything I want to you, as long as it’s not on that list. I will give you a similar list of my own. If you win, you can ask anything of me that’s not on mine.”
Mia licked her lips. Those were some high stakes to play with. “What kind of test? Will it hurt and does it involve sex? How do you decide whether I’ve failed or not?” She wanted a bit more detail before she’d agree to such terms.
“The fun part is you don’t know until after you’ve agreed.” James said with a sly grin. “But I can tell you this. You will have to use your brains to solve this test and it’s not up to me to decide whether you succeeded or not. That part is completely objective.”
Mia pouted, a test for her brain seemed boring. It was the bet that would make this interesting. She’d have to let him do anything he wanted if she failed and she didn’t even know what she’d be failing at yet. At least failing wasn’t subject to his opinion so he couldn’t just make her fail.
“That doesn’t sound very entertaining. She said.
“Oh don’t worry about that. I’m sure the test will have you hot and bothered while you’re busy trying to solve it.” James said mysteriously.
Mia raised an eyebrow. What could he possibly have planned for her? “Very well.” She said. “I’ll take the challenge.”
James got up and fetched a sheet of paper and a pen.
“Write down all your limits, please. He said. “Sign with your name and suggest a safe-word in case you wish to end the test early.”
“What happens if I end the test early?” Mia asked while trying to think of all those weird, disgusting or dangerous kinks others might like, but she definitely wanted to avoid.
“Nothing. Neither of us wins.” James explained. “The only reason you could have for finishing early is perhaps a panic attack. If that happens, I’m not going to make you do anything but help you relax.”
Mia blinked. A panic attack? What kind of test was this? Still, she wasn’t giving up now. She finished her list of limits and handed them to James.
“Great.” He said, reading it quickly. “This leaves plenty of room for some fun.”
Mia blushed.
“Now, you’ll need to undress before the test starts. I want you completely naked.” James said.
Mia smiled. Well this test was certainly starting out interesting. She got up out of the sofa she’d been sitting in, took one last sip from the drink James had offered her and then wriggled out of her dress.
She did not blush as James watched her undo her bra or even when she bent over to pull down her panties. She loved the way he looked at her naked body.
“I’m going to blindfold you now.” James said. “Then I will lead you to the room where you’ll play the game.”
Mia nodded, telling him she was ready.
Completely naked, except for the blindfold, she was guided through the door at the back of James’ living-room. At the end of the hall, he opened a door. Mia knew they were at the back of the house, but there was no cold air telling her they’d left the building. Reassured that he wasn’t leading her somewhere outside, away from the privacy of his home, she let him guide her into the room.
“Stand still.” James said.
Mia could hear him pick something up that sounded like a metal chain. Goosebumps appeared all over her body. She hadn’t been chained up in a long time.
James placed something against her throat and fastened it around her neck, a soft leather collar. Mia could feel the chain that was attached to it fall against her body, it felt cold between her breasts. Then it disappeared as James picked it up and attached it somewhere.
“When you hear the door lock, you can take off your blindfold.” James said. “You will then have one hour to escape from this room. If you don’t make it out in time, you lose. The things you find in here will give you some idea of what I plan on doing with you.”
Mia gasped. He was going to lock her up? His game was an escape room? She suddenly heard the door lock and quickly pulled off the blindfold.
She stood in the corner of what must be James’ private play-room. The floor and walls were dark, rich wood and there was little light in the room. In one corner stood a large metal cage with restraints. In the other corner a large, blood-red leather sofa. In the middle of the room stood a spanking bench, a small pedestal with a box and a chest. Against the furthest wall stood an old wooden desk.
The leash on her collar was fastened to the corner and all she could reach was the spanking bench, the mirror on the wall behind her and the chest beside the sofa…

This story has two possible endings. Either Mia escapes from the room, or she doesn’t …

Both endings are available on my website; but before you can read it, you need to play a game. You need to help Mia escape.

Only those who manage to escape from the room will be able to read the alternate ending!

Play the game here


The end

61 responses to “The BDSM escape room”

  1. elsbeth says:

    Your escaperoom is really funny. After two attempts I nearly managed to escape. However, the paper in the drawer is blanc. I am supposed to make a sentence with the letters, but I cannot see any letters at all. Hope you can fix that. Cannot wait to read the other ending of the story. Thanks.

    • K.C. Perrin says:

      My apologies, one capitalized letter made the whole game unsolvable, woops.
      I fixed it, you should now be able to see the image.

  2. Foxy says:

    We want to play this (and other) games on your site, but they aren’t mobile-friendly. Can you maybe add a text box whenever we’re supposed to type?

  3. Alex says:

    I’ve been stuck on this for a couple of days now. I can’t get to the part where you put in the code for the collar. Can anyone give me a hint?

  4. Gryphon says:

    Where do I imput the code

    • K.C. Perrin says:

      The escape room now has input fields for the codes and you can zoom in on the page when necessary.

  5. Lucy says:

    I’m also stuck with trying to enter the code, looking in the mirror but can’t find where to type the code into :(I’m using my PC, and I’d love to be able to solve the puzzle 🙂

  6. K.C. Perrin says:

    Hey Carl, haven’t been on for a few days, check my new post to know why.

    Is the color puzzle the puzzle-box you’re trying to open? In that case thinkof playing sudoku but with colors instead of numbers. If it’s the chest you’re trying to open look at the wall of implement, you will see the red color is behind the fourth paddle, so thefourth color in the lock is red, there ae foursets of implements, each with acolor behinde 1, 2, 3, or 4.

    For the anagram work vertically. The two or three letters in each column go in the boxes right below them.

  7. Gryphon says:

    Is the game solveable on iPad yet I’m using the flash

  8. Gryphon says:

    Yea not even the mirror is doing it?
    Still on the iPad so. What am I doing wrong?

  9. Darren Ng says:

    the letter in the desk are unplayable since the image is gone

  10. Cadela says:

    Hello! I think the anagram in the drawer is bugged again unfortunately. The image is not showing up.
    AAAAAAAlmost escaped 🙂

  11. Ash says:

    Hello! I’m wondering if I could get some help. I managed to get the second square for the pedestal and then I’m stuck. I can’t even find any items to fumble on to advance further anymore.

    A hint is also good enough! Thank you 🙂

    P.S. it’s a really interesting game! Appreciate your effort in making this!

    • kcperrin says:

      Hey, which squares did you get so far? (Which minigames did you play)

      • Ash says:

        Two squares. If I didn’t remember wrongly, I played the spanking sliding box and the colour sudoku. I can’t find a place for me to get the third square.

        • kcperrin says:

          There is a third box either in the cage or around the desk (not sure which sliding box you had).

          To get into the cage, have a look at the books bottom left; to learn more about the desk, look at the drawers.

  12. Alex says:

    Any tips on the maid spanking puzzle you find in the cage? I’ve solved the other two but can’t seem to figure out a solution for this one. I put the whole thing tile by tile into a drawing editor so I know where each tile is supposed to go. I’m just not sure how to manipulate it without ruining the puzzle. Once I get about half of it solved I can’t make any moves to solve it further without moving pieces that are already in the right spot.

    • kcperrin says:

      Yeah that’s probably the hardest one, easiest for me to solve it was solving the rows in order from top to bottom, except for the last column, and then solving the last row and last column simultaneously

  13. throwaway 69 says:

    cant seem to find the last box and i cant fill in the anagram text. it is a very good puzzle game though and i love the story around it

    • Endorph says:

      I came to ask exactly the same two questions. I have the solution to the Cyphertext but it isn’t letting me enter it. Pretty sure it used to be a simple matter of selecting the image on the note with the clue and typing it in.

      I solved this a few years ago but lost my notes so not 100% certain my memory is accurate. i wanted to go through it again. I think the cypher either gives you the third box directly or it gives you something you need to get on that spanking bench to get the third box

      • kcperrin says:

        The cyphertext doesn’t actually need to be entered anywhere. The text itself is a hint for where you need to search next. (you may have searched in this spot before, but without finding the text first, you won’t find anything)

        • endorph says:

          I found the two ’tile slide’ puzzle boxes from the desk and the cage; What I am not finding is the one that was ( i think) the sudoko puzzle. I think the anagram that you mentioned is a clue to the slide puzzle box that I already found so if you don’t actually need to enter that text then i assume you are referring to the box behind the drawer in the desk which I already found; It’s been a couple of years since I did this last time and I thought I was somehow able to get on the spanking bench at some point and that is where I got the final puzzle box but i may be totally misremembering that from the text you get when you finish the game that describes that scene.

  14. please answer says:

    i unlock the collar i tried 1900-2000 and nothing worked can some please give me a hint ?

  15. Jace says:

    Having trouble figuring out the code. do the dash marks on the paper inside the desk mean subtraction?

  16. ethan says:

    i been playing the game for a year now and still have not figured the the code for the collar. what is the code? i really want to beat the collar

  17. ethan says:

    what the code? i been playing for 3 months and i cant figure out the code for the collar. please give me the code.

  18. HELLLLPPPPP says:

    I’m so lost with the desk

    17 in cage
    Handcuffs I worked out to equal 9
    Paddle is the second in the row
    10 is on the lamp

    17-12 = 5
    9-0 = 9
    2-2 = 0
    10-7 = 3

    Am I wrong? What the hell is the code for the desk?

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