The nosy neighbor

drawing of two bare bottomed women bending over a table

It was a day like any other, with nothing on my agenda. It was only six in the afternoon and I had already changed into a pair of pink, cotton pajamas; cute but mostly warm and comfortable.
I had just poured myself a glass of wine and was trying to decide whether I should heat up some leftovers to go with it or order food online when someone knocked on my door.
Knowing it must be one of the neighbors in my apartment building – else they would’ve rung the front-door bell – I opened the door without bothering to cover up.
I was greeted by Sophie who lives right next-door. I was taken aback for a moment by her outfit: a sleek black satin dress with lace trim, its neckline plunging deep with a series of thin silver necklaces disappearing into her bosom. Her hair was brushed perfectly with a large black pin pushing it to one side and her expertly applied make-up made her more beautiful than she already was.
I’d always had a bit of a crush on my neighbor – her and her husband to be honest, they were such a handsome couple – but I’d never seen her this gorgeous and sexy. For a moment I couldn’t speak.
“Hey Sam, could I borrow some salt?” She greeted me.
I took a deep breath. “Sure, salt… Come in.” I let her follow me into the apartment, to the kitchen-area. “What do you need it for?”
“I promised Jonathan I’d cook a meal for our anniversary.” Sophie replied.
“Your anniversary?!” I exclaimed. “Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” Sophie replied with a short smile.
That explained the outfit, I thought while grabbing a pot of salt from the cabinet. “You’re cooking dressed like that?” I asked.
“We’re going out after dinner.” She replied, accepting the pot as I handed it to her. “Though you’re right, I should probably wear an apron for now.”
“How many years?” I asked.
“Five.” She replied with a broad smile.
“Wow! Wait, don’t leave…” I picked up the bottle of wine I was drinking from as she turned to leave. “We have to drink to that.” And started to pour her a glass as well.
“I should probably go back.” Sophie replied. “Jonathan is already a bit agitated since I took so much time to get ready and now that I forgot the salt for dinner he fears we’ll be late for our date.”
I smiled as a mischievous thought floated up inside me. I knew a naughty little secret about my neighbors, something I didn’t think they realized I knew. Jonathan and Sophie were quite kinky in the bedroom. The wall between our apartments wasn’t very thick and ever since they moved in, I’d often heard the beautiful woman in front of me moaning and squealing as her husband spanked her backside. I’d been worried the first time I heard those loud, repeated swats, followed by squeaks and groans; but the deep moans and guttural grunts had put my mind at ease, especially the passionate lovemaking afterward had reassured me that this was a mutually consensual arrangement.
“You can’t be in that much trouble.” I said, teasingly emphasizing the last word. “Not on your anniversary.”
I was rewarded with a slight blush as Sophie considered how much trouble she might be in. “I guess not.” She replied.
“Just one glass.” I said. “To celebrate.” I was already imagining my neighbor returning to her husband after having wasted even more time. I’d be able to hear her punishment from here and listen to her moans and whimpers as I imagined Jonathan pulling up that beautiful satin dress to bare her bottom.
It was a good thing Sophie couldn’t see my face as I’d turned around to grab the glasses of wine while those thoughts flitted through my mind, making me blush much deeper than she had. I banished all thoughts of my neighbor’s bare, spanked backside, straightened my face and turned around to hand her the glass. “To your marriage.” I said.
Sophie accepted the glass and raised it before taking a quick sip.
“So what is this date you’re going on?” I asked, trying to steer my mind away from its earlier kinky fantasies. Listening to their bedroom activities wasn’t all that piqued my interest, I’d been single for a while and was truly invested in hearing the fancy, romantic evening they must’ve planned.
“We’re going dancing.” Sophie replied. She took another sip from her wine but didn’t seem hurried anymore, enjoying a moment of peace with her friend and neighbor.
I grinned, imagining her on the dancefloor, with that dress. It would be beautiful.
Then before I could ask anything more another knock sounded at my door.
“Shit, that must be Jonathan.” Sophie said.
“Stay here.” I told her and went to open the door.
In dark slacks, a white shirt with crimson red tie and a black leather jacket, Jonathan was just as stunning as his wife. “Is Sophie here?” He asked, as from the front door he could not see far into the apartment.
“Yes, she’s in the kitchen.” I replied as I nervously licked my lips. He was agitated, I could see it in his eyes. I felt a bit vulnerable suddenly, in front of this well-dressed man whilst I only wore a set of cute pink pajamas.
“What’s taking so long?” He asked.
I blushed. “We were just celebrating your anniversary. Congratulations by the way.”
Jonathan smiled suddenly, the look of agitation draining from his face as he focussed his eyes on me – he’d been looking over my shoulder trying to see inside at first. “Thank you. Well tell her she needs to come home or we’ll certainly be late.”
“I will.” I replied.
Jonathan turned to leave and then looked back to me over his shoulder. “Tell her she’ll be in even more trouble if she doesn’t hurry.”
I blushed. He’d made it sound like he was making a joke, but I knew better.
I returned to the kitchen where Sophie was still waiting. She looked nervous, but it was an excited sort of nervousness. I could tell that she wasn’t truly afraid of what her husband might have in store for her.
“It was Jonathan.” I said. “He said you should come home, or you’ll be in trouble… Well, more trouble to be precise.”
Sophie blushed deeper than before and placed her glass on the table. “Well, we’ll continue this some other time then.” She said.
“Wait.” I stopped her. “Don’t leave yet.”
My neighbor turned to me with a confused look on her face.
“If you’re already in trouble, might as well do it properly and at least finish your drink.” I explained.
Her blush deepened. “You don’t understand…” She began.
I grinned. I don’t know why, but it really appealed to me at that moment to hint at what I knew, to tease her with my knowledge of her secrets. “I might know more than you think.” I winked. “The wall between our apartments is quite thin. I hear a lot.”
Sophie was now looking scarlet, but she looked more excited than angry or embarrassed. “Did you hear…?”
“More than once.” I replied.
Sophie was licking her lips, looking back at the front door, but my revelation had stopped her in her tracks for now.
“If you’re going to get spanked, might as well make sure it was worth it.” I said, choosing to be straight-forward and revealing that I knew exactly what was waiting for her as I handed her the glass of wine she’d placed on the table.
Sophie accepted it in surprise and took a big gulp before looking back at me. She was smiling slightly, the color slowly draining from her face before raising her glass. “To getting into trouble.” She said.
I grinned, raising my glass in reply.

Not much later another knock sounded at my door. Once more I opened it to the handsome, but agitated Jonathan.
“Is she still here?” He asked.
“Yes, do you want to come in?” I asked.
Jonathan nodded. “I better, else it seems she’s not coming back.”
I returned to the kitchen with Sophie’s husband following right behind me.
Sophie looked at us wide-eyed, sipping nervously at her glass of wine.
“What are you doing here?” Jonathan asked.
I could tell he was choosing his words carefully, not using the same language he would if I wasn’t around.
“Sam offered me a drink, to celebrate our anniversary.” Sophie replied.
“You were supposed to just get some salt, now we’ll definitely be late.” Her husband said.
Sophie bit her lip. “I guess I forgot…”
Jonathan shook his head. “Forgot? Didn’t Sam tell you I came by earlier, looking for you?” I could almost hear the ‘young lady’ that should’ve come at the end of that sentence.
Sophie nodded, looking slightly more spirited now. “She did, but I wanted to finish my drink first.”
“Well, you’ve had your drink, it’s time to come home now.” He’d stepped past me and placed his hand on the kitchen table and from his body language I could see he could no longer hold back the following words: “You’re in a lot of trouble young lady.”
A tingle ran up my spine as I heard that. I watched them, staring at each other, trying to ignore my presence; but I couldn’t keep silent. “I encouraged her to stay.” I said. “I told her she could finish her drink first.” I don’t know why I suddenly decided to defend Sophie, after trying to get her into trouble at first, but faced with her dominant husband, I now felt to be more on her side than his.
Jonathan turned to me and smiled. “I’m sorry, we shouldn’t be arguing here in your home. We should go.”
“It doesn’t really matter.” Sophie suddenly said. “If we go home or not, she’ll still be able to hear us.”
Jonathan frowned. “What do you mean?”
“She told me she hears everything.” Sophie said.
I blushed as Jonathan turned towards me. “What exactly have you heard?” His words weren’t threatening, more like he was teasing me, really.
“Just… That when you told me she’d be in even more trouble, you weren’t just joking.” I replied.
My neighbor looked back-and-forth between me and his wife. “And after that revelation you decided to stay and finish your drink?” He asked her.
Sophie nodded.
“I guess you’re right.” He said. “It doesn’t matter whether we go home or not to continue this conversation.”
Sophie grinned broadly, but then, slowly, her smile faded as realization struck. “Wait…”
“You wanted to stay here so much, might as well deal with your behavior right here then.” Jonathan interrupted her.
Sophie blushed deeply. “Not in front of Sam.” She said.
“You didn’t mind her listening, shouldn’t mind her watching either.” Jonathan said.
Sophie sputtered, but found no words to protest further.
I could feel my heart racing. Was he really going to do it? Spank her right here in front of me? I’d listened to them so often, fantasizing about what was happening, aroused and even playing with myself when I thought about it on nights I felt most lonely. I eagerly awaited what was going to happen.
“You were already cutting it close, then you forgot the salt.” Jonathan said. “And instead of hurrying, you decided to waste time drinking and refused to make haste even when I came to get you.”
Sophie blushed deeply. “Sorry, sir.” She replied. “I’ll hurry now so we can get ready.”
“It’s too late for that, right now you can hurry and get yourself bent over right here across Sam’s kitchen table.” Jonathan replied.
My neighbor bit her lip, looking defiant for a moment, but she could not look her husband down. After a last second of hesitation, she turned around and bent over the table.
I could feel my heart in my throat, seeing the beautiful woman bent over, the satin dress snug around her voluptuous bottom. I watched as her husband pulled the dress up, revealing her bare legs, her thighs and finally her backside, with just a small black, lace-trimmed thong covering the crack between her buttocks.
I stared at those two perfect, soft pale globes and moaned softly as Jonathan pulled down her panties, sliding them down all the way to her ankles, baring her backside completely.
Jonathan turned to me as I made that involuntary sound and he smiled. “Like what you see?” He asked.
I nodded, blushing deeply.
Jonathan turned to his wife again. I watched as he placed his broad hand on her backside, squeezing it firmly, his fingers digging into her soft skin. With his other hand he grabbed her hair and pulled her up off the table. He whispered something in her ear.
I could not understand what he’d said, but after Sophie replied, he let her down again and turned to me. “So let me get this straight.” He said. “You knew the kind of trouble Sophie would be in, knew she was in a hurry, and still you encouraged her to stay and ignore my instructions?”
I bit my lip, a bit guilty now, but still too aroused to truly feel sorry for my deceit. I nodded.
“Seems to me, you’re just as misbehaved as my wife.” Jonathan said. “If things were right and fair, you would be standing there right beside her.”
My heart-rate suddenly jumped up. Had he just suggested I should be spanked as well? The thought vibrated in my head and I could not stop the surge of arousal I felt. “I guess that would be fair…” I replied nervously.
Jonathan grinned. “And are you the kind of woman that tries to do what’s right, Sam?” He asked.
I licked my lips, too excited to think twice about what I was agreeing to. “I am.” I replied.
“Then get over there and bend over right beside my wife.” Jonathan said.
I took a deep breath, reminding myself to breathe and then moved to stand beside Sophie. I bent over the kitchen table and then looked at her. She looked back at me, smiling broadly, excited for us to be punished together.
I could then feel Jonathan’s hands at my hips, his fingers reaching inside my pajama pants before pulling them down. I blushed deeply as he bared my bottom.
There was a moment of silence that seemed to stretch for a very long time. My blush deepened as I imagined my neighbor staring at my naked backside, admiring the view.
“I was going to let you keep your panties on.” Jonathan then finally said. “But it seems like that’s not really an option.”
Sophie looked at me in surprise and I laughed, a nervous giggle really, from deep inside my throat. I wasn’t sure at that moment whether it was a good thing, or a bad thing, that I never wore any underwear underneath those pajamas; I liked to sleep without.

Nervously I waited for what would come next, my bare butt sticking out, my whole body tingling with excitement. Then I heard a loud swat, followed by a low moan coming from the woman beside me.
Again and again the sound of Jonathan’s hand connecting with his wife’s bottom echoed through my apartment, much louder than when I’d hear it coming through the walls.
Sophie looked at me while her husband spanked her, smiling, though the increasingly creased furrow between her eyes and the way she clenched her lips together showed it wasn’t just excitement she felt. It wasn’t long until she had to avert her gaze, looking down at the table as low grunts and groaning moans escaped her lips.
I looked at her with fascination, examining the tiny, mixed facial expressions of pain and arousal. As I looked, I grew nervous, knowing it wouldn’t be long until it was my turn. I was slightly disappointed that I didn’t have a better look at what was happening, that I couldn’t see Jonatha’s hand connecting with her backside, the rippling of flesh as he spanked her buttocks and how they would slowly turn red.
Then, I felt a big, warm hand grasping my buttocks. I blushed, the intimate touch turning me on instantly. I noticed Sophie raising her head to look at me, now that the assault on her bottom had paused. I wonder what she saw as she stared at me and smiled: the creeping blush on my cheeks, a look of consternation, worry, arousal, … ? Then Jonathan raised his arm.
His hand landed with a firm swat across my bottom and I had to clench my teeth together to not yelp in surprise. A hot, stinging sensation spread from the impact.
He raised his arm again.
I bowed my head, looking away from Sophie, hiding my blushes, hiding the frown of pain and the difficulty I had at keeping my mouth closed as her husband’s hand rained down on my backside. Again and again, a deep, hot sting was applied to my behind, each swat layered upon the previous so that the pain had no time to dissipate as my bottom quickly turned red and sore.
When I heard low moans and deep grunts, it took a moment for me to realize they were my own, and not my neighbor’s, who was just silently watching. I blushed, but could not stop myself, moaning deeply, not sure whether it was the pain, or the arousal that had forced me to discard my silence.
Suddenly, it stopped.
I looked up, out of breath, my bottom throbbing. I looked at Sophie who had witnessed the entire thing and watched as her eyes grew wide. I realized instantly what that meant, Jonathan had placed his hand on her equally sore, red backside. It was her turn once more.
Excited to be spared the pain for a moment, to be able to watch once more, I looked my neighbor in the eyes. The blush on my cheeks was mostly gone. There wasn’t much to be embarrassed about, not when she was receiving the exact same treatment I was.
No loud swats followed however and the look of trepidation in Sophie’s eyes slowly turned into one of blushing arousal. Her breathing grew deeper, her tongue flicked out to lick her lips, then she bit down on her lower lip, uttering a deep, trembling moan. I could only imagine what was happening: her husband caressing her backside, squeezing, fondling, perhaps even sliding his fingers between her thighs, finding her wet, swollen, most private parts.
I blushed at the thought, but I could feel my own pussy, hot, throbbing, wet with excitement. That look on Sophie’s face: eyes half closed, trembling lips, that would be me if someone were to slip his hand between my legs right now.
Then, the look on her face faded, her eyes opened. I realized Jonathan had raised his arm again a split second before I heard his hand connecting with Sophie’s backside.
My neighbor moaned and dropped her head down towards the table. She squealed even, as the loud smacks echoed through the kitchen. Those squeals, combined with the look of pain on her face made me realize these swats were much harder than before.
I looked at her, nervously, trying to tell myself it wouldn’t be that bad, knowing I was up next. I couldn’t convince myself, my bottom was already sore and I knew I would get a whole lot worse soon. And yet, As I watched my neighbor squeal and moan, I couldn’t wait until it was my turn.
Then, the sounds stopped. Sophie didn’t look up, her head rested on the table-top, breathing deeply as she was out of breath. Her husband’s hand now changed its focus to my backside.
I licked my lips, waiting for the pain to come. But it didn’t, instead I felt Jonathan’s hands caressing my backside, his fingers tracing the curves of my bottom, fondling the soft, sensitive skin of my upper thighs. I then remembered the look on Sophie’s face, before the second part of her spanking had started, the look of arousal, the biting of her lips. The way he played with my bottom was gentle, almost reluctantly, but I knew that as long as I didn’t protest, he would continue. Jonathan took my silence as consent and I could feel his fingers growing more bold, digging into the crack between my buttocks, spreading them apart as he explored my backside. I realized my own bottom lip was caught between my teeth now and I moaned deeply as I could feel his fingers burrowing between my thighs. I spread my legs, as far as my pulled down pajama pants allowed me, granting him access. I felt his warm hand slipping between, cupping my hot, swollen pussy, as if he was checking how wet and excited his punishment had made me.
Then his hand disappeared, satisfied with his answer, Jonathan raised his arm. I braced myself just as his hand landed with a firm swat across my behind.
Again and again he spanked my backside. Each swat was hard and firm, I could feel my buttocks bounce from the impact. I leaned heavily on the kitchen table, needing its support as each swat sent me staggering forward. I squealed and moaned as the pain in my bottom was much greater than it had been before. And yet, with each swat, I pushed back, arching my back, raising my bottom off the table for the next swat.
I yelped, biting away the pain when I could. My backside was on fire and I wondered what I had gotten myself into. I’d just wanted to get Sophie into a bit of trouble, wanted to hear her get punished from the safety of my apartment, get horny as I imagined how she got disciplined. I didn’t want to participate in it, surely not share in the pain. Yet as I squealed and cursed myself for getting involved, I couldn’t help but feel the growing excitement between my legs, the throbbing arousal penetrating my body, and the desire to promise Jonathan that I’d be a good girl and never misbehave again.
Finally, the pain stopped coming, and Jonathan’s hand disappeared. Laying down on the table, breathing as heavily as Sophie had been, I looked to my side, at my neighbor and noticed she was smiling at me. It wasn’t a spiteful smile, as if she was reveling in the fact that my attempt at getting her in trouble had backfired; no it was an appreciative smile, as if she was happy to be sharing this experience with someone, excited that she wasn’t alone. Perhaps watching her husband discipline me was just as exciting for her as it had always been for me, secretly listening in on the two of them through the walls. I couldn’t help but smile back.
The pain in my backside was all-over, even my upper thighs were burning. I could imagine my bottom was bright red and didn’t think I’d wish to sit down any time soon. Surely our punishment was now over, but Jonathan did not tell us we could stand up, so I obediently stayed in this position, bent over, bottom presented for more discipline should he consider it necessary.
Some time passed and nothing happened. I could see in Sophie’s eyes that she too hadn’t felt her husband’s hands in a while. I wondered if he was just watching us, staring at our pair of red, spanked bottoms, enjoying the view of his handiwork. It made me blush and wish to look over my shoulder to see what he was doing. I could see from Sophie’s nervous looks that she was thinking the same, but something told me that the first one of us to turn and look over their shoulder would feel the stinging pain of Jonathan’s hand across our backside. Sophie must’ve thought the same, for we both stared silently ahead of ourselves.
Then, I heard a rummaging sound, as if Jonathan was going through my kitchen drawers. I wondered what he was looking for. With my bottom hot and red, freshly spanked, I was in such a submissive mood, the thought didn’t even cross my mind to ask why he was going through my belongings without asking me first.
“Are you two learning a lesson yet?” Jonathan asked.
“Yes, sir.” Sophie quickly replied.
“Yes, sir.” I mimicked.
Then I saw Sophie’s eyes widen greatly.
“I’m sorry, sir, I won’t do it again.” She promised her husband.
“I know you won’t.” Jonathan said. “After tonight, you’re going to be a very well-behaved young woman.”
“Please, I didn’t mean to.” She whispered. “You don’t have to, it’s our anniversary.” There was a look of alarm in her eyes, with just a tinge of excitement, but only if you knew where to look.
I had to fight myself not to turn around and see what her husband was threatening her with, what he had found in my kitchen drawers.
“If you’d come home the first time I asked, your punishment would be over by now.” Jonathan said. “But you decided to ignore me and stay even longer, so now I’ll have to be extra strict.”
Sophie moaned deeply. “Sam asked me to stay…” She protested.
“And I’m sure Sam learned her lesson too.” Jonathan replied.
I blushed.
Before Sophie could protest further, I heard a loud thwack as something connected with her backside. I couldn’t stop myself any longer and looked over my shoulder, just in time to see Jonathan raise his arm again, holding a large, wooden spoon in his hand.
Sophie wailed and moaned as her husband paddled her backside with the hard, firm implement. She squealed and I could feel the table shift as she kicked her feet, fighting against the pain.
Her head rested firmly against the table, screaming at its wooden surface with each swat.
Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. I hadn’t kept count, it couldn’t have been more than twenty or thirty swats at most, but Sophie was out of breath, still whimpering and moaning softly.
I held my breath. Was it my turn now? What had I gotten myself into? I couldn’t take such a punishment, could I?
“Are you two going to get yourself in trouble like this again?” Jonathan asked.
“No, sir.” Sophie whimpered softly.
I kept quiet, nervous but excited.
“Sam?” Jonathan asked.
I bit my lip, I couldn’t be contemplating this, could I?
“Is there anything you wanted to say, Sam?” Jonathan asked.
“I asked Sophie to stay.” I said.
“You did.” Jonathan replied. “Which is why I had to punish you too.”
I licked my lips. “I’d already offered her a drink before, knowing she was in trouble at home, and then I asked her to stay after you warned me that she’d be in even more trouble than before.”
There was a short pause.
“And what do you think that means?” Jonathan asked.
“It would only be fair if you were also more strict with me, after ignoring your initial warning.” I said.
I could hear Jonathan stepping up behind me. Then I felt something hard prodding against my sore backside, the wooden spoon. “I was just going to use my hands on you.” He said. “Since it’s your first time…” He paused for a moment. “But if you really want to, I can use this wooden spoon on your backside as well.”
I blushed deeply. Why was I doing this? Hadn’t I gotten myself into enough trouble as is this evening? “I don’t want to, sir.” I replied.
“You don’t?” Jonathan asked.
“No… But I kinda deserve to, don’t I?”
Jonathan chuckled softly. “You do.” He replied.
He raised his arm, placing his other hand on my lower back before the wooden spoon came down with a loud thwack across my backside.
I squealed loudly, but before I could protest, before I could take back my words that perhaps I didn’t deserve this after all, the spoon came down again, and again. I squirmed and screamed. The pain went so much deeper than just his hand, each swat concentrated in one small spot, a flaring of pain in my already burning, hot backside.
I kicked and yelped, whimpering in pain between each stroke, wishing for it to be over and yet reveling in it, deeply aroused by how helpless I felt, overwhelmed by the control Jonathan had over me and somehow greatly turned on as the pain made me submit to his dominance.
It seemed to last forever, the rain of pain brought by the wooden spoon and Jonathan’s swinging arm. My bottom was on fire and nothing would be able to extinguish it. Then suddenly it stopped and it seemed like it had only lasted for just a moment, too short almost as if I wanted more, while at the same time sighing a breath of relief that it was finally over.
“So I’ll ask again.” Jonathan said. “Are you going to get yourself in trouble like this again, young lady?”
“No, sir.” I replied, whimpering softly and deeply convinced that I wouldn’t get myself into this kind of trouble again. Yet part of me was somehow already fantasizing about what this evening might mean, whether perhaps this was just a first of many.

“Alright, you may both stand up.” Jonathan said.
I blushed as I stood up, slowly turning around with my pajama pants still pulled down to my thighs. I noticed Sophie pushing down her dress, covering herself up, so I quickly pulled up my pants as well. The soft cotton felt rough against my sore, throbbing backside.
“We’ll have to skip dinner and eat out.” Jonathan said, addressing his wife as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened.
Sophie nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Jonathan looked at me and smiled. “It was great seeing you Sam, but we have to go or we’ll be late.”
I blushed. “Of course, I wouldn’t dare make you late.”
Jonathan laughed and a wide grin stretched over Sophie’s face.
Sophie took her husband’s arm as they turned to the door to exit my apartment. I looked on in disbelief, still processing what had happened. Sophie swayed slightly with each step, I wondered whether this was because of her high heels or if her tight-fitting dress chafed against her poor bottom.
The door closed behind them and as quickly as all this had started, as quickly it was over. I then immediately made my way to my bathroom. I pulled down my pants once more to see my throbbing, sore backside in the mirror. I gasped at how deep red the color was. Blushingly, I caressed the burning, hot skin, before pulling my pajamas back up and returning to the kitchen.
It was silent in my apartment now and I could hardly believe wat had happened. I could feel it of course, but couldn’t believe it. Then I noticed, laying on the ground beside the kitchen table, Sophie’s black, lace thong, proof that it had all been real. I grinned softly, realizing my neighbor was out dancing with her husband for their anniversary, with nothing underneath her tight black dress to cover her sore red bottom.


Several hours passed.
The pain in my bottom slowly subsided, not completely, but it became more of a tingling background sensation rather than the demanding presence it had been at first.
I was still deeply aroused, the events of the evening repeating themselves in my head again and again. I constantly caught myself, rubbing my backside, my hands slipping between my legs, touching myself, finding my hot, swollen pussy still wet with excitement.
I didn’t stop myself because I was embarrassed by what had happened. I just wanted to wait. Wait until Jonathan and Sophie returned. They’d be home from their date soon and through the thin apartment walls I’d be able to hear them celebrate their anniversary in the bedroom. There was no doubt in my mind that after the events in my kitchen, Sophie and her husband would tear each-other’s clothes off as soon as they got home.
Then finally, I could hear them arriving in the hallway. I had placed myself on the couch that stood directly against the wall between our apartments. I remained as silent as I could, listening closely to the footsteps in their home.
Suddenly I was surprised by a knock at my door.
Blushing, I stood up, straightening my clothes as they’d become wrinkled from caressing myself. Slightly annoyed, I wondered who might interrupt me, only to be greeted by Sophie, smiling broadly when she saw me, yet she seemed slightly nervous.
“Hey Sam.” She greeted me.
“Oh, hi.” I replied. “You’re back?” As if I hadn’t heard them come in, pretending I hadn’t been listening closely.
“Yeah…” Sophie replied. “So, I wanted to ask you something…”
“Sure.” I nodded, grinning slightly. “I don’t think I could say no to anything the two of you might ask me after what happened earlier tonight.”
Sophie grinned in return. “Well, while we were out, Jonathan and I were talking… It’s our anniversary and we decided perhaps we wanted to try something new.”
I nodded.
My neighbor licked her lips. “Like, invite someone extra into our bedroom?”
I blushed, startled and yet at the same time surprised at myself that I hadn’t immediately understood what she was going to ask. “You mean me?” I asked and blushed even deeper, of course she meant me…
Sophie nodded. “Usually, after Jonathan spanks me, I make it up to him in the bedroom, show him I can be a good girl, an obedient wife.” She blushed, giving that explanation. “So after tonight, I thought, perhaps we could do that together, we were punished together after all…”
I licked my lips. This was Sophie’s idea?
“It’s okay if you don’t want to.” Sophie said, as I remained silent for a bit too long.
“No, I’d love to.” I quickly replied.
Sophie smiled broadly.
“I do have something to make up for, after all.” I laughed.
My neighbor winked and then turned around, signaling me to come along.
Nervously I followed her, wondering what I was getting myself into this time.

Jonathan was waiting for us in their apartment, sitting in a small arm-chair. Still wearing his leather jacket over a white vest, he was just as handsome as his wife was beautiful. He smiled at me. “Sam! Glad you decided to join us.”
I blushed. “Sophie convinced me I had to do something to make up for my earlier behavior.”
Jonathan grinned. “Don’t worry, all’s forgiven and forgotten. Let’s just have some fun together. After a good spanking, it’s always important for me to show Sophie how much I love her, and show her – and today you too – what a good girl gets treated like.”
I licked my lips. “Sounds fair.”
Jonathan looked at his wife. “Well then, Sophie, will you show your friend what a good girl would do in a situation such as this?”
I looked to my side, seeing Sophie smiling broadly, her eyes flitting between me and her husband. Then she reached up, pushing the sleeves of her dress off her shoulders. As she pulled the dress down, she exposed her breasts, wearing no bra underneath. She pushed it past her hips, baring her bottom much like before, I could still see a faded pink color and a few darker bruises remaining from her punishment earlier that evening. I imagined my backside would look much the same.
Stepping out of her dress, leaving her high heels behind, Sophie stood fully naked in front of us. I took in the view, deeply attracted to her beauty.
Then I noticed the way she looked at me, blushing at my hungry view, flattered by my wordless stare and also expectantly, waiting…
I blushed, realizing what she was waiting for. I looked at her husband, then back at her, then back at Jonathan. I began undoing the buttons at the front of pajamas. Jonathan had pulled down my pants before, baring my bottom to his eyes and possibly more when I’d eagerly spread my legs for his exploring hands. But now I bared myself before him completely. I slowly exposed my breasts with each button undone as I wore nothing underneath those pajamas. Then after taking off the top, I pulled down my pants once more, until I was as naked as Sophie beside me.
Jonathan was smiling, taking in the view of the two women in front of him.
Then Sophie stepped forward, submissively kneeling at his feet. I watched, horny, excited, as she undid the button and zipper of his trousers. I stared at the huge, swollen cock she pulled out, erect with excitement. I licked my lips, not able to look away as Sophie licked her husband’s cock.
I stood there, frozen for a moment, hands underneath my breasts as if holding them up. I wondered what I was supposed to do, was I supposed to join her, down there on my knees?
Then Jonathan motioned me to come closer.
I stepped towards them.
Closer still, Jonathan’s fingers urged me.
I stood right beside them, Sophie at our feet as Jonathan reached out an arm and placed his hand on my hip. I shivered slightly at the intimate touch, feeling even more vulnerable now that I was naked, even after I’d been bent down for a spanking with my bottom bared.
His hand slid up my body, caressing the side of my breast. He played with it gently, kneading, stroking, pulling my nipple between my fingers. I moaned deeply, but my attention was taken by the woman at my feet, bent forward, licking and kissing her husband’s cock, taking it hungrily between her lips.
“Can you be a good girl, Sam?” Jonathan asked me.
“Yes.” I whispered.
“But you can be a bad girl too, can’t you?” He asked, suddenly pinching my nipple.
“Sometimes.” I moaned.
“Sometimes…” He repeated. “Listening in on your neighbors, spying on them almost, getting off on what you hear them doing in the privacy of their home.”
I blushed deeply as Jonathan’s hand slid down my body, fingers caressing the soft tuft of hair above my crotch before delving into the deep, warm, wet spot of excitement between my legs.
“It seems like it was high time you received that punishment you got today.” Jonathan continued. “A naughty girl like you probably deserves to be treated like that more often.”
I moaned deeply as his fingers played with my clit, deftly stroking, prodding and flicking. “Probably.” I whimpered.
“Slowly, Sophie.” Jonathan suddenly said. “Or I won’t be able to finish this conversation with Sam.”
I opened my eyes, though I didn’t know when I’d closed them. I looked down at Sophie, still playing with her husband’s cock; yet now she refrained to small kisses and licking with her tongue, focussing on his balls and the bottom of his shaft, ignoring the more sensitive tip. I was mesmerized by it, Jonathan’s large throbbing cock, Sophie’s wet, red tongue and soft, sensual lips.
“Since you don’t have anyone right now to take up such a responsibility.” Jonathan then continued. “I would gladly offer my services in this regard.”
I moaned deeply, unable to concentrate whilst watching the spectacle below as his fingers played with my clit. Responsibility? Services? It took a moment before I realized what he meant: spanking me, punishing me when I’d been naughty. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about that all evening, imagining whether this had been just a once in a lifetime experience or the start of something completely new.
“I’d like that.” I managed to mumble. “I mean, I’d appreciate you taking up that responsibility.”
Jonathan placed his other hand against my chin and turned my head up to look at him. “I’d gladly do so.” He replied with a grin.
I stumbled, swaying on my feet, and had to place my hand on the armrest of the couch to stop myself from falling.
Jonathan caught me. “Do you need to sit down?” He asked.
I nodded.
“Give us some room.” He said to his wife, and Sophie obediently moved to the side.
I blushed deeply as Jonathan took my arm. I realized suddenly he’d offered me to sit on his lap. His cock was hard and erect, was he going to… ?
He sat me down at his knees. I’m not sure whether I was relieved or disappointed that I could not feel his cock sliding inside me. I looked at Sophie, worried that she was jealous or upset that I’d interrupted her or that her husband was giving me this much attention while she was doing her best to pleasure him. Sophie was smiling however, excitedly encouraging me to keep going.
I could feel Jonathan’s arms around me, pulling me closer. Then I felt his cock, pressed against my backside as he pulled me in. When he fully embraced me, my back against his chest, I could feel his big, hard erection wedged firmly between my buttocks.
“Do you agree, Sophie, that we should make sure that our neighbor is more well-behaved in the future?” Jonathan asked his wife who was still knelt down in front of us.
Sophie nodded enthusiastically, without hesitation. I wondered how much of this they’d already discussed during their date.
“And you’re not saying this as revenge for her getting you into trouble earlier tonight?” Jonathan asked. His hands were playing with my breasts as he talked to his wife, pinching and squeezing.
Sophie shook her head. “Of course not.”
“Then show me you have no hard feelings and give her a kiss.” Jonathan’s hands had run down my body as he said this, ending at my knees. He pulled my legs apart with a firm tug as he said that last word, leaving no doubt what kind of kiss he meant.
I blushed deeply, but Sophie eagerly crawled forward on hands and knees. She buried her face between my legs as Jonathan’s hands moved back up, grasping my breasts.
I moaned deeply as I felt Sophie’s warm wet tongue licking my wet, swollen pussy. Meanwhile her husband squeezed and pulled on my nipples and I could feel his cock, throbbing, pulsing between my buttocks.
I gasped for air, struggling to breath between moans as my body was overcome with sensations. I grinded against Jonathan’s cock, feeling him against my still slightly sore backside, encouraged by Sophie’s tongue sliding deeply between my lips, and Jonathan’s greedy hands groping and pinching.
“Easy, Sam.” Jonathan whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. “Slow down or you’re going to make a mess.”
I didn’t listen, I couldn’t, I had no control over my body as ecstasy overtook me. I screamed, like I’d heard Sophie screaming through the thin walls between our apartments. I’d blush if I could, I’d never considered myself a screamer. I screamed again, my body trembling, buckling.
I don’t know how long I sat there, how long my neighbors kept going whilst I had no control over my body, shaking and moaning. Until Sophie finally pulled back, looking up at me, smiling. I was still gasping for air.
“Naughty girl.” Jonathan whispered in my ear.
I blushed and let him push me up, off his lap. I turned around and only then realized what he meant as I watched him grab a box of tissues on the table beside the couch. I watched him clean himself off and then felt the warm, sticky mess all over my lower back, I felt my neighbor’s cum dripping down between my buttocks.
Jonathan stood up, handing me the box and I blushed as I began to clean myself off. “Greedy girl.” He whispered in my ear. “I was going to fuck my wife.” He said this loud enough for Sophie to hear. “It’s our anniversary. But now she’ll have to wait, because you couldn’t listen.”
I licked my lips. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“I think it’s your turn now, to show us you can be a good girl.” Jonathan said. “Perhaps you can satisfy my wife while she waits for her husband to recuperate.”
I nodded, I realized then that until now all I’d done was watch and let them touch me. I blushed slightly as I realized I’d indeed been greedy. “I’d love to.” I replied.
Sophie then stood up and sat down on the couch her husband had been sitting in. It seemed like she knew exactly what her husband meant, as she slowly spread her legs, showing me her pussy.
I blushed, but eagerly got on my knees. I pushed my head between her thighs, reaching her pussy. She was wet with excitement , the smell was almost overwhelming.
“Get your ass up, Sam.” Jonathan suddenly ordered as I licked his wife’s pussy.
I blushed, but eagerly pushed my bottom up as I knelt on hands and knees.
Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain across my backside, the now familiar feeling of Jonathan’s hand spanking my bottom. I moaned softly but the sound was muffled with my face buried between Sophie’s legs.
Again and again Jonathan spanked my backside, reigniting the pain of earlier that evening, yet I was unable to squeal or moan as I tried to focus on the woman in front of me.
I don’t know whether it was my frantic licking, spurred on by the pain in my backside, or the view of her husband spanking my bottom, but Sophie was quickly trembling and moaning, I could feel the muscles in her legs clench as she neared her own climax. When Jonathan suddenly ordered: “Stop!”
I quickly pulled back, resulting in mumbled protests from Sophie. As I looked up I could see the hunger on her face, eyelids fluttering, teeth digging into her lips. She was on the edge.
With the pain in my backside freshly renewed however, there was no doubt in my mind which of the two I should obey. I obediently moved back from Sophie as her husband pulled me back on my feet.
I looked over at him, wondering too why he’d made me stop. I then noticed his cock, hard and erect once more. The view of me pleasuring his wife and the short but firm spanking of my backside had reinvigorated him quickly.
“Stand over here.” He told me, after he’d pulled me to the side of the room. “Hands on your head, no touching. Greedy girls may only watch.”
I blushed, standing in the corner of the room like a naughty girl. Jonathan then returned to his wife, pulling her off the couch to sit down himself. He pulled her down, straddling his lap, his cock slid deep inside of her.
I moaned deeply as I watched them. Jonathan buried his face between her breasts, kissing and biting and I wished to reach for my own breasts, to pinch and squeeze and imitate that feeling, yet had to obediently keep my hand on my head. Sophie moaned and grunted, wildly riding her husband, grinding on his cock and I wished to slip my fingers between my legs, wondering what it would feel like to have him inside of me, yet I had to keep my hands on my head. Jonathan’s hands wrapped around his wife, fingernails dragging down her back before grabbing her pink, bruised buttocks in two firm grasps, while I couldn’t reach down and caress my own sore backside. Sophie screamed when she climaxed, collapsing on top of her husband as he froze in ecstasy, cummin deep inside her. All I could do was watch.
I stared, standing there, seemingly forever as the two of them struggled to catch their breath.
“You can come out now.” Jonathan finally said as Sophie turned to sit on his knee and look at me.
I eagerly joined them, placing myself on Jonathan’s other knee to sit beside his wife. “I promise, I won’t be so greedy next time.” I whispered.


The end

This story is part of a series.

Part 2 Part 3

Story inspired art

One response to “The nosy neighbor”

  1. Tom Hobbes says:

    Delightful and well written. Oh, an very, very HOT! Thank you!

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